• AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHthe scream forced its way into the world.
    Annoyance, Worried, should have asked for help
    It always happens this way, maybe I’m just not cut out for it? Although I’m really thinking ‘this is so not my week,’ Something in the weather, or the stars, but something is not how it should be! I CAN do better than this.
    Then why isn’t my head working like it should to make sense of that jumble of numbers and letters scrawled across my page? Why do the words make sense but the numbers not? They’re all there 0-9 I see them repeated in varying orders, but WHY does my numbered answer not match the composition it is suppose to be? Then again, who wrote this question? They, after all are only human as well, maybe it was they’re mistake and not mine. Who said the way their numbers are laid out is the RIGHT way? I’m thinking it is the WRONG way….

    No I don’t think I want to hear how absurd my idea is. Maybe I want to just pretend the question writer is NOT a professor in statistics? Maybe. Who writes questions like this anyway?

    Well, next time (OH MY GOODNESS, next time) I should ask for help. But the tutors are always so mean. Looking down on you because you cannot remember what the square root of 43 is, if there’s even a square root of 43. I can pretend there is., even if my pretending is not getting anything done.
    I’m bouncing of walls, almost literally. All the numbers are jumbled with the letters and the other signs of mathematics all seem to glare at me from the page now. I don’t think all this is beyond me, rather right in front of me and I’m just missing the point….


    I REALLY do not like statistics.