Chapter 4…chapter 4…chapter 4… Srry, it’s just that it’s chapter 4. Usually when I write a story, I give up before ch. 3. My butt just hung up on you, sorry. XD I luv that commercial. Well Now back to my awesome story!!! Oh I finally got to reading the reviews ^.^ They made me very happy, though I didn’t get some of them… I’m stupid so I don’t get much anyways. Well without further to do, I give you If You Were Gay chapter 4!!!
I did own Naruto, but he ran to Masashi Kishimoto when I went through my chain and whips stage. Same with Sasuke. Those wimps.
A confused Naruto woke up snuggled close to Sasuke and his head pounding. He sat up and tried to remember what happened. He remembered the party and could still taste the liquor in his mouth. He couldn’t remember leaving though, or even talking to Sasuke, they had barely talked to each other after Sasuke kissed him… oh crap Naruto mentally slapped himself did I kiss Sasuke, or worse? He shook awake Sasuke who didn’t move, just groaned out a ‘what?’
“What happened last night?” Naruto asked him.
“You got drunk and cried when I tried to take you home.” Sasuke mumbled
“Ok.” Naruto said. There was a long silence and Sasuke was just about asleep again until Naruto spoke.
“Sasuke.” He said really softly.
“What?” Sasuke snapped and glared at Naruto.
“Well I was wondering-“But Naruto was cut off by Medic Droid notifying him that he has a text message. Naruto grabbed his phone out of his jeans which were on the floor next to the bed.
Naruto opened his phone and read the text from Sakura
Hey Naruto, it read u n Sasuke left prty erly, wat wuz up w/ tht? Did u guys do it? R u guys 2gether now? Plz fill me in!!!! luv, Saku Naruto laughed and showed Sasuke the text. Sasuke raised an eyebrow
“I don’t even want to know how she came to that conclusion.” Sasuke said and closed his eyes again, trying to go to sleep yet again.
Naruto texted her back no, howd u come up w/ tht? Sakura immediately texted back nvm ill c u at skool 2mmrw bye luv. Naruto sighed and closed his phone. He looked at the clock on his phone. It read 9:00am. He sighed and nudged Sasuke awake. Sasuke just sighed and sat up.
“Yes?” He asked
“Where’s your aspirin at?” Naruto asked. Sasuke pointed to his bathroom which was across the room
“Medicine Cabinet.” He said. Naruto took out two pills swallowed them with a little bit of sink water. He came back and sat on the bed with Sasuke.
“So, Sasuke, about the other day,” Naruto looked up at Sasuke, who still looked asleep. “What was that kiss all about?” Sasuke became completely awake and looked down.
“Not sure, my body just did it on its own. I slapped myself for doing it afterwards.” Sasuke replied in a quiet tone. Naruto then looked down too.
“I see, well it’s a good thing you didn’t mean it.” Naruto said. Sasuke gave Naruto a questioningly look “I mean, we’re best friends. I’d hate it if we became FWB.” Naruto laughed out the last part.
“Why would we be FWB? Like I’d ever want to ******** your tiny a**.” Sasuke commented and shot Naruto a taunting look.
“My a** isn’t tiny! And who said you’d be doing the ********?” Naruto yelled.
“Well, I’m taller, and more masculine than you.” Sasuke listed. “My p***s is larger, and I’m just Seme material.”
“Those are bad reasons.” Naruto huffed
“Well then Naruto, enlighten me on why you should be seme.” Sasuke crossed his arms and leaned against his iron headboard.
“’cause I’ve been Gay longer and I’ve actually done it. Plus, you can’t spell Sasuke without uke.” Naruto stated and stuck up his nose in victory.
“Yea, you went out with Sai last year and he topped your a**, my name has nothing to do with who tops.” Sasuke fought back.
“Well, your mom.” Naruto bickered. Sasuke rolled his eyes
“Very mature.”
While they were squabbling, two girls were drinking cappuccinos at a Starbucks near their subdivision.
“So, Sakura, did the party plan work?” One girl asked
“Sorry Ino, it didn’t.” The other one said and showed Naruto’s Text message to her.
“Well then I guess we’ll have to go to plan B. Make sure no one gets in between them and don’t tell them you’re helping us, because Naruto knows we want him and Sasuke together.” Ino told her in a spy-like voice
“Understood. Now can we stop acting like this?” Sakura complained
“But I was having fun…” Ino whined. Sakura rolled her eyes and took her drink.
“I’m leaving.” She said and left the Starbucks.
Back to our protagonist.
“Well Blacks a stupid color.” Sasuke scoffed at this
“Says the one who owns nothing but orange and black.”
“I have blue too!”
“Yea, that shirt I gave you for your birthday last year.”
“ Well your mom!”
“You’ve said that three times already.”
“Grr! I’m goin’ to go take a bath!” Naruto stormed into the bathroom. He came back out 5 seconds later and grabbed some of Sasuke’s clothes then went back in. Sasuke pursed his lips then shook his head. He was kind of happy now that the whole kiss this had been resolved. He knew Naruto didn’t hate him for it and that made him happy.
A dressed and still wet Naruto came out the shower to find Sasuke’s room completely deserted. He went into the kitchen and saw that Sasuke was eating rice with Itachi. He was surprised the boys weren’t fighting. Ever since Itachi had gone off to college, Sasuke would fight with him every time he was home. Naruto raided Sasuke’s refrigerator and pulled out orange juice. He poured a glass at took a seat next to Sasuke.
“Why’d you leave me honey?” Naruto whined and leaned his head on Sasuke’s shoulder Itachi rolled his eyes and Sasuke gave Naruto a ‘WTF?’ look.
“Weren’t you just mad at me?” Sasuke asked.
“Well, I kinda thought the fight was stupid. So I decided not to be mad at you anymore.” Naruto admitted. Itachi got up from the table.
“Get a room.” He mumbled and left the kitchen. Naruto pulled away from Sasuke’s shoulder and gave him a ‘what was that’ look
“His boyfriend dumped him.” Sasuke told him.
“Oh! That girl who looked and acted like a boy. I liked her.” Naruto said. Sasuke shrugged and just ate his rice.
“We’re not in Japan anymore, why do you only eat rice?” Naruto asked.
“Because it’s good.”
“But there are better American foods.”
“Like what.”
“Like ramen noodles.” Sasuke couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“That’s Japanese, dobe.”
“Oh yea. Duh. Well, there are waffles.”
“I eat those, but there not as good as rice.
“And hamburgers.”
“Hamburgers only taste good with only ketchup.”
“Well there’s Hershey’s.”
“I hate sweets.”
“Oh yea, I forgot you weren’t human. Well, then I’m out of ideas.” Sasuke hn’d in victory and finished up his rice before he took his shower and joined Naruto who was now in the downstairs family room watching some gossip show with his mom.
“What’s this about.” He asked
“Rhianna wants Chris Brown back after what he did to her.” Mikoto filled him in.
“What did Chris brown do?” Sasuke asked. Naruto recited the saying that he learned in school.
“Chris Brown beat Rhianna with his umbrella, now she’s left with no air. She called a SOS and the cops are after him now. Let’s see if he can run it. Sasuke gave Naruto a weird look and then turned to his mom.
“Chris Brown beat up Rhianna and is in jail now.” He told him. Sasuke nodded and continued watching. They watched the tabloid program until Mikoto left and then Naruto switched to the Ninja show again. Sasuke rolled his eyes.
“Not this s**t again.” He said.
“Shush! Sakuno is trying to stop Sasaki from leaving.”
“I thought Sasaki liked everyone now.”
“He did, but then some guy named oroichi promised him power.”
“That’s stupid. Why would he leave for power?”
“Because he wants to kill his brother who killed his family.”
“So he’s going to go to a guy he knows nothing about to get power to kill his brother he most likely has no clue where he’s hiding?”
“That’s retarded…wait did he just knock out the girl?”
“Duh, otherwise she would tell.”
“I would stay. Can’t he get power there?”
“Well, yea, but staying there is making him weaker too.”
“Good the episodes over. Came on I’ll drive you home.”
“I can walk, it’s only down the street.”
“Fine, walk.”
“Walk with me.”
“Hell no.”
“Aww, is Sasuke too prissy to walk his bestest friend down 8 houses?” Sasuke gritted his teeth and got up.
“Fine I’ll ********’ walk you.”Naruto smiled and went to the entry way to put on his shoes. They reached Naruto’s house and Naruto slid his hand into Sasuke’s and gave Sasuke a small kiss.
“Now we’re even. Now don’t go home and start thinkin’ that it meant something ‘cuz it didn’t. “ Naruto yelled to Sasuke as he ran up his driveway. Sasuke rolled his eyes and smiled a super small (like microscopic) smile.
“Thanks Naruto, now I’m hard.” Sasuke teased. And left down the street. That microscopic smile never left his face.
When Sasuke got to school, two little freshman gave Sasuke a love note than ran off, a buff senior tried to rape him in the bathroom and the insult of the day on his locker was ‘die you f**’. He was happy the school was calming down. Now if only they would stop writing on his locker. He opened his locker and a letter fell out. Sasuke thought it was strange because everyone gave him his letters by hand so he decided to read this one. It was a typed letter but what intrigued him to it was that it was in Japanese. Translated, the note read
For a while I’ve been watching you and I have fallen for you. You are no doubt the one for me. It made me very happy to know that you are gay. I love you but I’m unsure your feelings for me. Even though we are friends, I want to take it to the next level.
Sasuke re-read it and crumbled it up, deciding it was a bad prank. Meanwhile at Naruto’s locker he was reading a love note sent to him saying almost the same thing. Naruto laughed at the note and left it in his locker. Worst joke ever Naruto thought then closed his locker. He searched for Sasuke to tell him about the note but couldn’t find him anywhere. He sighed and went to 1st hour to find Sasuke sitting in his seat. Some girls were talking to him about joining the GSA but Sasuke wasn’t listening. He was staring off in space. Naruto made his way to Sasuke and leaned on Sasuke’s desk.
“Sasuke-teme, someone played a mean prank on me today.” Naruto complained.
“Really, me too.” Sasuke said and gave Naruto an astound look.
“They said they were my friend and they knew I was gay. I think someone’s spying on me.”
“What? So did mine.” The astonishment now seeping through Sasuke’s voice too.
“What? So then it has to be a joke.”
“Those bastards.”
“Let’s find out who it is.”
“You can.”
“Sasuke-teme, why don’t you love me?” Naruto complained really loud, causing everyone to look.
“Someone could be stalking me and you don’t care?!? After I gave you my first time!” Sasuke hit Naruto and shot a glare at him
“Shut up usuratonkachi. Everyone will think you’re serious.” Naruto batted his eyelashes as if he hurt. He started to say something but the bell cut him off. Naruto went to his seat which was close to Sasuke and just started thinking.
Hmm, maybe I will go after this person. It could be fun pretending I’m detective. Or maybe a spy. Hehe his a** is so mine. What if it’s a cute a**? Hmm. Naruto psyched himself up and smiled inwardly. Oh this will be fun.
That’s it. Stay tuned for chapter 5 cuz It’s coming soon. I’ll try 2 get Ch. 6 out quick too but then my writing will slow down cuz I gotta go 2 school. -_-; I hate school. With a burning Passion. Well at least we get a lot of brakes. I’m happy Igot this far quickly. It makes me very happy. Maybe I’ll start a new story after this. Or a sequel. I do enjoy Sequels. And sequins. Well that’s it Stay tuned all my sexy bitches or else I’ll have to bring out my old chains and whips.
- by ox_Ignorance_xo |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/31/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: If you Were Gay pt 4
- Artist: ox_Ignorance_xo
- Description: Enjoy
- Date: 03/31/2009
- Tags: sasunauyaoinarutosasukelove
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