• Aki ran as fast as she could, trying to find an exit. It had to be somewhere! She skidded around a corner, just dodging the claws raking menacingly out behind her.
    What a great way to start a new school year, She thought grudgingly as she hurled herself forward.
    A vicious growl sounded behind Aki, and she risked a glance behind. One of her worst ideas. She saw it's demonized face, which no one could really even call a face. It was all covered with fur, a mane flowing from it's oddly shaped head. Red orbs glaring at me, it's eyes. Aki felt her blood ran cold, her breath catch in her throat. Aki tripped, falling flat on her face. Knowing fully the danger, she rolled over onto her back, crossing her thin arms over her head in defense.
    Of course, in vain. Claws ripped and raked through her pale, pathetic skin. These claws were coated in a sticky, clear liquid. It seeped into the bleeding wounds.
    The poison pulsed through Aki's veins, threatening to burst. The blood curdling screams echoed around the empty corridors. She thrashed back and forth, clutching her bleeding arms in her shaking hands. The burning sensation over took her fragile body. Blood colored splotches tainted her already blurry vision before finally fading to black. The last thing was her head colliding with the cold, hard linoleum, body feeling frozen.