• ~First Performance: Opening Night~


    The bright lights of the big-tent bled through the boy's purple eyes, the other securely hidden behind the square patch.

    "Conner, are you ready."

    The smells, the gasps.
    The unsuspecting innocence all crowded underneath the draping tent.
    How could they even begin to imagine, the terrible tragedies that awaited them?

    The boy nodded to his sister, giving her the usual smile, the wide mouthed one which he had no control over. "Always Alicia." His sister's smile mirrored his in the exact same pattern.

    "Ladies and gentlemen," The teenager started, gesturing greatly with his arms to the audience staked to the concave ceiling.

    "Welcome, to a most amazing affair. Deathly heights, soaring extremes! What more could such a fantastic town ask for?"

    Several of the other converted happy-children came from their designated stage spots, flipping at impossible angles, hanging from invisible threads, surpassing any concept of what is humanly possible, for these, my dear seers, were no humans.

    They were dead.
    They were the discarded happy-children.

    The audience clapped, 'ohh'-ing and 'ahh'-ing whenever some sort of law-ignoring extreme was performed, said performers being captured in the mood-setting lights, in absence of a net to catch them from such heights.

    Two children climbed to the very tip of the ceiling, smiling just as Conner and Alicia had. The signature smile, the happy-children's smile.

    Conner stood back from the ring, leaving his position as ring-leader, allowing the performance to play out in its customary perfection.

    It was time to bring this performance to it's climax, they had to keep moving.

    By the end of this they would have another city, another spot on the map claimed as their own, though no one would know.

    No one would, until the time was certain, until that day would come.
    When he would be there.

    "Come Alicia, we must prepare."

    The girl followed giggling crazily to herself, thick layers of blood dripping down from her forearm and smearing haphazardly across her black and gray dress.

    Everything went dark, horrifying screams erupting from the large red and white tent, murderous laughter smothering the sounds from anyone in the perimeter.

    Several purple cubes appeared around the enclosure, swallowing the evidence and all who had once inhabited it into it's hollow emptiness.

    "Opening night and closing night, what's the difference?" Conner asked slyly, clapping his hands together firmly, causing the squares to seal together, than disappear completely.