• Oscar’s POV:
    I watched in horror as she fell. We had failed. We had not been able to protect the only one who could save us. I raced towards her, shoving anything that stood in my way to the side as I screamed her name.

    The others heard my cries of desperation and they looked in my direction before running towards the enemy that had their blade poised above her heart, ready to strike down. I began to run even faster which I had not thought even possible but still, I felt I would not get there in time until I tackled the enemy away from her.

    But still, I was too late.

    The blade had pierced her flesh and delved deep into her side, narrowly missing her heart but the scream that was torn from her proved that something had been penetrated. I quickly pushed myself off the ground and onto my feet before unsheathing my sword, making quick work of my opponent before turning to her, my eyes widening in fear when I saw how much blood was pulsing from her... She was losing too much, too fast.

    I called over my shoulder for help before I fell to my knees beside her, gently pulling her hands away from the wound in her side.

    “Hold on... Please, don’t leave us...” I whispered as she seemed to slump. I quickly yet carefully pulled her into my lap, pushing her hair from her eyes as she whimpered in pain.

    I looked up when someone tapped me on the shoulder, that boy ... the one who was a hybrid, stood looking down at me.

    “What do you bl***y want?” I snarled, pulling her against me as I glared up at him.

    “Give her to me. I can get her back to the school much faster than you can, you know that. If she stays here, she’ll die.” He said firmly.

    “Why should I trust you? All we know about you is that you’re a hybrid but we don’t know what you’re a hybrid of! You might be some b*****d, sadistic vampire who wants to kill her!” I roared.

    “Calm down, Oscar. I swear, I will not kill her or harm her, or anything but we need to get her to the doctors or her death will be on both our heads.” He answered calmly which only p***ed me off more. But he was right.

    I looked down at her again, watching sadly as the colour began to drain from her cheeks and her breathing became laboured before I nodded. “Take her... Hurry, please...” I whispered before he took her into his arms. I stood and watched as a single large, black feathery wing sprouted from his back. I frowned in confusion before I realized.

    “You are the one-winged angel...”

    He nodded before he leapt straight off the ground and flew away. I could not quite understand how he could fly with just one wing but I didn’t care either, nothing mattered aside from getting her to safety.

    * * *

    Rowan’s POV:
    I cradled her in my arms as I flew as fast as I could. I should not have done that in front of her brother but I had no choice... My uncles will murder me for doing that, if I go home I’ll probably never see the light of day again...

    No. I need to remember why I’m doing this. It will be better for everyone else, I don’t matter... I have to get her to the school, they can save her...

    I glanced down at her as I flew over the forest near the school. When I see her face, I almost fall but manage to keep my concentration.

    “Come on... You can’t give up, not now.” I whispered before I swooped down as I finally caught sight of the school.

    I cry out in horror however when I lose my grip. In my hurry to grab hold of her again I lose my concentration and we both fall, the ground rushing up to meet us.

    I hear screams as loud as thunder before I realize my wing has twisted around and broken our fall. I try to stand up but only cause myself more pain so instead, I try to contact one of my friends who are still at the school.

    Alex... I need your help... I am outside down by the lake with Bree. She’s badly injured and I think I’ve broken my wing as well... Bring the teachers and hurry, Bree’s dying.

    I waited patiently before he replied with a quick “Yes” before breaking off the connection. I tried to reach out with my senses to try and find Bree but I can’t.

    “She’s probably almost dead by now ... her spirit wouldn’t be bright enough for me to find it...” I whispered to myself before I heard voices. I yelled in pain when someone moved my wing.

    “Rowan! Hang on!” I heard Alex yell. There was a flurry of activity then as they carefully pulled me to my feet, making sure not to cause any more damage to my wing which hung limply from my shoulder as I stood; whimpering as one of the school’s doctors carefully inspected it.

    “It isn’t broken but it has been twisted rather badly... I can give you something to ease the pain enough to conceal it again if you wish.” The doctor murmured and I nodded. They smiled slightly before they jogged back towards the school.

    I shivered slightly as a cold wind blew; it felt like ice against my skin. I looked over to the teachers and doctors surrounding Bree and I sighed heavily before I stalked towards the forest, ignoring Alex when he called after me.

    “Rowan! Where are you going, mate?” He asked when I stopped on the edge of the forest.

    “I need to leave... I can’t risk my uncles coming here, not if they find out what’s happened.” I answered.

    “Why? What’ll happen if they come here?” Alex asked. “They tell you off, you promise not to do it ever again, they leave, it’s all fine.”

    “It isn’t that simple... I morphed in front of Bree’s brother Oscar; my uncles would kill me to get to Bree and her siblings, I can’t risk that, not now.” I whispered. “They’ll invade my mind; find out what happened between Bree and me...” I paused and turned to face Alex. “They’ll use my murder to get what they want.”

    “But what do they want? Why would they kill you?” Alex asked in confusion.

    “I’m the last one-winged angel, I was sent to look after Bree, to keep her alive. She is the most powerful person in the entire magical world, Alex. I need to protect her even if it means leaving her.” I answered.

    “Bree is the most powerful person in the world?” Alex queried.

    “Yes... She has powers beyond those of even the highest magical order. She is the only one who knows how to destroy the Midnight Shadow Murderers.” I bit my tongue then, realizing that I shouldn’t have told him that.

    “The Midnight Shadows? What is going on, Rowan?” Alex demanded.

    I sighed heavily. “My uncles started the Midnight Shadows... Their goal is to steal Bree, Blaide and Oscar’s powers and use them to take over the magical world.”

    Everything seemed to grow darker then and I knew I had pushed Alex over the edge, something I should have known not to do with this particular vampire.

    “Get out of here you lying, traitorous b*****d.” He snarled.

    I backed away slowly, further into the forest. I mentally cast a healing spell before I turned and flew off but Alex was a vampire... He could fly as well and there was no stopping him when he wanted to fight.

    But I was not in my right mind so I tried to get away, idiotically trying to fly in between the trees of the forest which I found began to get closer and closer together so, when the opportune moment arose, I flew straight up, kicking against branches of trees to gain more speed and power.

    Alex did exactly the same thing.

    Once we were both flying above the trees, Alex tackled me. I cried out in slight pain as he bit into my shoulder and I considered myself lucky when he held me up in the air. I screamed in agony as he began to drink, trying to make me die of blood-loss. I somehow managed to pull my feet up enough to kick myself away from him. Alex’s teeth had been ripped from my shoulder by force so as I fell to the lake below, I screamed in pain before finally, I hit the water, plunging into its icy depths.

    I did not move when I resurfaced, knowing Alex would not leave me be if he thought I was alive. I waited for what seemed like hours before I concealed my wing and carefully swam back to shore. I used my magic to dry myself off and clean the wound in my shoulder before tearing off my sleeve and wrapping it around the wound before I stood and looked back towards the school.

    “Goodbye Breia... We shall meet again when the time is right.” I whispered before I stalked off into the fog that was settling across the county.

    * * *
    One Week Later

    Bree’s POV:
    He’s done this to keep me safe ... I need to get that into my head...

    I bow my head again as yet more tears pour down my face. Everything is too difficult now, I need Rowan back... I can’t go back to the way I was living before I came here.

    I look up when I hear the door to my dormitory open and I see Headmistress Nargun slowly walk into the room.

    “How are you Miss Bree?” She asks softly as she sits down on the bed opposite my own where I sit curled up with my arms wrapped around the pillow.

    “I’m alright... Still tired and a little sore.” I murmur, not making eye contact with the half-stone woman.

    “I know you miss him but Master Rowan has made his choice and he is the most competent student we have seen for many years, he knows how to take care of himself.” She answered.

    “I know but ... he’s Rowan, he was the one who made me feel welcome here.” I whispered.

    “He actually had something he wanted you to have that he gave to me for safe-keeping.” She continued slowly and I looked up, slightly confused and slightly surprised. She then extended her hand which was closed around something. She dropped it onto the bed beside me and I looked down to it.

    “His necklace...” I whispered, looking down at it before I slowly reached out and took it.

    “He told me that if ever he had to leave, to give this to you. I do not know why but I believe that this necklace may be something you need to figure out for yourself.” Headmistress Nargun explained.

    “Where would you suggest I look for information though?” I asked, looking to her with a firm gaze. “Rowan was not normal... If this was his, that means this necklace isn’t normal either.”

    “Exactly.” I frowned in confusion before she stood. “But you are far from normal as well, Bree. I would suggest heading home soon, your siblings are ready to leave and seem eager to speak with you.”

    I nodded slowly before she left. I took another glance at the necklace and sighed heavily before standing. I put the pillow back on the bed before I left, the necklace in hand.
