• I was on my bed. Stressed. My mom and dad broke up, my mom takes care of me. She sometimes invite other guys over and I have to stay locke dup in my room. but sometimes I just sneak my way out through the balcony. I have no siblings, no friends. One day, my mother invited a big hulky guy over. He sweats a lot. Mom says its cuz he works out at the gym, like I care. I stomped over to my room, ignoring my moms lecturing about manners, bla bla bla, yadda yadda yadda. I replied with a 'I dont care, he's not dad!' the hulky freak then pats my moms back asking to calm down. I made my wya to my room and stared at the mirror. The reflection seemed to smile back at me. It slowly changed though, the skin turned dark and black, now instead of my blonde hair and blue eyes, red hair and red eyes glared back at the reflection. I looked at myself without using the mirror, I was still me. but my reflection.. A demonic side of me.
    'Whats wrong?' The Thing asked. 'Who are you?' I asked, but this was weird, I felt no fear in my heart. the Thing replied, 'My name is Ruveena. Whats yours?' I was shocked. Ruveena? Sounded familiar. 'My names Renae.' I replied. Ruveena nodded and disappeared from the mirror. I ran downstairs, my hatred of my mother just went poof like that. Not for long though, as I ran downstairs, that hulky freak and my mom were KISSING

    I ran upstairs again, tears flooding my eyes. I ran towards the mirror. I put my hand on the glass. And then something pulled me. I just jumped in. Ruveena smiled. She went out of the mirror and whispered softly to me, 'Stay here, I'll do this for you.' I just nodded like I was her mechanical puppy or something. I watched her as she transformed to look like me. She looked better though. She smiled at me before she opened the door. Then she went out. I heard something from the ugly hulky freak, he said something like, 'Well, well, well, look who's back, your mother is in the kitchen preparing some roast for me. Me only, not you little brat.' I saw Ruveena smile and stroked her hair. 'Sure.' She said. Her voice was somehow tempting. Then she did something unimaginable. She fell off the stairs, very daintily, like she was some ballerina. The hulky loser stared in awe, then a sickenly smile crept through his face. Ruveena smiled too. In an evil way. She held out her hand, and believe it or not, a sycthe came out. It was clean. But it had some veins of dried blood on it. The kinds you see on War of the Worlds. Then something happened, my mom was about to walk out of the kitchen then suddenly, time stopped. My mother's face was happy, obviously because she didnt know what was going on. The hulky freak stopped too. Ruveena licked her lips and chopped of his head. blood spurted everywhere. Ruveena then changed to her normal form and started eating his corpse. She wiped blood from her mouth and returned everything to normal. She even wiped off mum's memory about the hulky freak even existing. Ruveena disappeared and I got out of the mirror. I heard my mom say, 'Renae! time to eat!' I nodded at the mirror. And ran downstairs to eat dinner. Afterwards, my life was never happier.