• Sensation cures my body as if the sun rose over my horizone. Not knowing this new light I follow it into the mists of the new morning. This is something so unreal that not even a night owl like me could discribe. Whats this new aroma that fills all my senses? I wander past a vast forest where the evergreens seem to shine viberantly. There I see a solide blue, Just grazing through the anormous trees. Its beauty unlike no other but yet i can't intirely tell what it is.
    Soon I hear a whistle, very high in pitch. I cover my ears but for some reason I follow the sound. Its heading my to the blue figure. I trip over a stub and loosen the grib to my ears inorder to catch myself. I look up, and there it is. The figure of blue, I look at it deeply to realize its a young girl of either late 20's or a couple of years younger. She has long black hair and a smile that could knock a man off a horse.
    She amazingly set out her hand to help me up. I feared to touch her that I might curropt such beauty. When i touched her hand it was soft and frail. I wanted to tell her everything that I hide within myself. She just had that most eligent aroma I smelt earlier. I looked over her face, her eyes like emeralds, her cheeks peaked and rosy, her lips looked as if anyone should kiss her would fall in love that instant.
    I held my breath from the sight of her. Then she spoke to me, her voice like a heavenly chim, "Why did you call for me?" She asked. I stood there dazzled and confused for I followed her without knowing. Could i have been calling for her without even knowing?
    Then it hit me I have been calling for her all my life. "My dear, I've called for you in my dreams, in my soul, and in my heart. But for you to be real is unbelievable to even me," I suddenly shuttered my words," You are the most inchanting figment of my imagination, for you to be real I deny to believe."
    She starred me in the eyes' touched my face and giggled. I glanced over the way she was dressed. She had on a bright sky blue shrit, with seamed blue jeans. She just caught me or have I caught her? I was so confused, 'please tell me this is not a dream.' I mummured in my mind.
    She finally ryplied to my confusion, "This isn't so unreal, this is what I've dreamed of as well." I was stunned by her reply. Someone actually dreaming of a fool, someone actually dreaming of me? How could this be?
    Has this all been planned out? This is the girl I've always wanted but could never reach. This was not only a dream, but also reality.