• Awaken from his sleep, he freaks. Swearing Forleng gets hit to the ground. Forleng gets up just to be hit to the ground again. Coughing Forleng grabs the soldiers leg triping him. Running Forleng kicks a soldier in the face,with blood flying in the air Forlneg jumps over him. Turning the corner just to be out numbered. All Forleng could here is the shouts of soldiers and blast from there guns. Forleng suprised to not be harm, puches the guard in the stomach rapidly one,two,three,four and five. Then a backflip kick in the face,the soldier drops his gun forleng graps it. Just in the nict of time he jumps sideways,he stares where he just was to see a smoking hole. Running on the wall Forleng jumps graps the soldiers neck while in the air goes around the soldier, then brings him to the ground with a broken neck. Searching this guard he finds a plasma sword(looks like handle but with every swing a sword shaped plasma beam comes out).Thinking of whats this could be used for he startes to fall unable to move. Waking with a startle Forleng regains his sight. He is finding him self doing community work in cold heavy shackles. A soldier by the name of Malcome Smith Forleng trips him takes the key making his get away,just then the general find himself up against Forleng. The general seemed impressed he bends down to get eye level. As if he was getting ready to strike down Forleng. Next day at the combat training arena, Forleng training his skin off. Battle system on,click. swoosh,crkkkkk the sound of the system starting. guiding himself and out of the system. Getting his plasma pistol,state of the art power of old fashion 50 cal. Three years later Forleng has gained special powers chapter 2,
    Boom!, screams of pain coming from soldiers that have been shot down. Forleng jumping away from blast coming from the race sligerost. Just then his best friend justin was blown up in a blast of flames and smoke. Staring Forleng gets a spark in his eye and screams. Right at that moment everything seemed to slow down. Then Forleng holds up his hand and a invisble blast came from nowhere and destroyed the enemy ships. Forleng thinking it was just wind later he finds out that he was wrong.Walking trying to figure out what was that power he summoned. Forleng walks into his dorm and finds a note on his bead. Date, august31,Dear Forleng, you are dead along with your world, if you wish to stay alive for any longer than i predicted than you will meet me here at 12:00a.m.september 2 at the newly constructed sokiry tower good luck fool.Forleng thinking if he should go. Packing up Forleng is ready to go. Just he notices he can't leave he has to get around the alarm system, no one gets in no one gets out. Ready he startes to do everything in his power to get out.Running Forleng shoots the laser guided guns.Sliding in and out of bars and lasers he is out. Folding out his hover board he flies into the night sky. At 11:46p.m. he is five miles away from sokiry tower. It's gleaming lights and shining glow make Forleng happy that it was rebuilt. Forleng fifteen now is flying toward sokiry when he notices somthing.