• Chapter 3

    Kei leaped from tree to tree, reaching the downtown area faster then Hero could run.
    Damn! Someone’s following me, thought Kei. She continued on through the trees proceeding faster trying to lose Hero. A locket she wore around her neck seared at her Chest. She grabbed it as a reaction to the pain. “Seems the situation ahs gotten worse,
    Hang on I’m almost there! Nobody get hurt please”. She prayed as she bounced along the Branches. Abbot eight minutes behind her, hero was puffing and grasping for air.

    “Huff, huff, damn. . . Who ever I’m pursuing is way faster then any person I know, even
    Wolf. . . Which makes it all the better for me”. He grinned continuing his chase into the Downtown area.

    Sirens blared as Kei approached her destination, and the burning of her pendant ceased.
    She observed the surroundings and the occurring situation around herself. “Hmm. . . A typical robbery at the national bank, how predictable, There are fourteen hostages including two unarmed officers . . . great just what I need, could this get any worse?”
    She sighed and shook her head as she looked on down.

    “There you are!!” Shouted Hero behind her still huffing and puffing for air. Kei’s eyes widened as she lost balance, falling out of the tree where she was observing the problem below. She got up quickly and turned to Hero, glaring at him with anger in her eyes. She was about to yell in his face, then remembered the situation ahead of them.

    “Who are you?” both questioned the other, Kei going along like she never knew him.

    “I asked you first,” both spoke simultaneously. Kei looked at hero frustrated, hero did the same.

    “Heh, Oshi!” she smirked as pointed to hero’s mouth. Suddenly he couldn’t open his mouth and talk.

    ‘What the hell did she do to me?!’ he though, flustered that he couldn’t open his mouth.
    Kei continued to smirk and look at Hero curiously.

    “Are you trying to get us killed, you idiot.” She whispered into Hero’s ear. He shook his head, now getting used to breathing through his nose.

    “Who goes there” shouted a nearby officer whom was surveying the surrounding area for suspicious looking characters. Kei grabbed Hero by his pony tail, scrambling to the nearest bush for cover. Hero whined as she took hold of the ponytail.

    “See! You almost got me caught there. . . Why are you following me anyway?” Kei questioned him. He gave her the ‘are you that stupid’ look and pointed to his mouth. “Oh yeah. . . I forgot you can’t speak hehe.” She stuck out her tongue and whispered,
    “Andoxu.” undoing the spell,

    “WELL DUH!” Hero said out loud, and then covered his mouth noticing that he could speak again.

    “Your going to get me caught! Watch yourself.” Kei nagged him.

    “Jeez, I’m sorry next, time warn me when you’re going to do something to me.” He sighed. “So why are you around here and hiding from the cops?” he questioned her. Kei looked at him with disgust.

    “Humph, that’s polite! Why don’t you answer the ladies question first?” She spoke a little sarcastically.

    “Fine, fine, I followed you because you interrupted my game at school.” snared Hero still frustrated from the spell that was cast and relived on him.

    “Heh, oh yeah, Sorry about that, my timing was off.” She sighed once again.

    “So Why are you here exactly? Huh?” he introduced his question to her again, while poking her. Kei glared at him and he stopped, she then pointed to the robbery taking place.

    “Wow, you caused that?!” spoke Hero surprised.

    “No! If I did, the cops wouldn’t be there now and I wouldn’t be talking to an idiot.”
    She spoke as if she was a being of high stature. “And the officers aren’t the greatest of Allies either, which is why I’m hiding out here instead of being out there!” She thoroughly explained to him.

    “Ohh, so what’d you do to get him like that?” Hero asked her getting more curious as to whom this person is and what she does.

    “No time for more explanations! I’ve got a job to do and civilians to rescue.” She dashed to where now the S.W.A.T. van had parked and starting to unload the team. As the last member exited the van, she grabbed the person knocking him out by a cuff to the gut.
    She then hid the knocked out person and stripped him of his gear, putting it on herself. Hero stood there, his mouth agape as to what he just witnessed, watching her dash about to catch up to the other S.W.A.T. members. He stood there blankly, shaking his head.

    ‘What the hell just happened!?’ he questioned himself, walking over to where she hid the body. He looked at the person then to where Kei went and back again.

    “She’s not going to be able to do this on her own, without casualties’ anyway.” He sighed.
    “I’d better give her a hand . . .” he raced toward the National Bank’s building as Kei made her move from her position. This was going to be a risky maneuver between the two of them.

    End Chap 3