• "Just keep runnin and then everything will be alrite,"she thought. "Just a couple more steps and I'll be there!" Just when she thought she could touch the doorknob, she blacked out.

    Next thing she knew, she couldnt move any part of herself at all. Like she was bound to something. "Dont worry," she thought. "Everythings gonna be a o.k. I just need to calm down and to stop watchin all those freaky movies." *muffled voice* "Do you think we should keep her? What if she proves to be too much?" *hoarse voice* "Oh shut up will you? If she is, we could always complain to the boss , he'll give us the go ahead signal, and then we can FINALLY dispose her!" "Wait did he just say "dispose her"?! Oh great! Now what am i gonna do! What the heck did i do? Ok, so i didnt listen to the "shaman", and i didnt stay away from Daniel, my impossibly beautiful, perfect vampire boyfriend. So what? I just couldnt help it! *sigh* I wonder if what the shaman says is true? That being with Daniel will cause me nuthin but trouble?"

    To be continued........