• A light in the darkness
    A ray of hope when it seems to be gone
    A path of life, gone astay
    So many lives that end horribly in highschool, is due to the actions and lack of kindness from students who fail to see the pain behind the masks of those they seem blind too. So many things can happen to them, they can go down paths they are not meant to go down. A push or pull in the right direction caused by a smile or a kind word/action could bring them back.
    Blood lost
    Fire rage
    Sadness and anger
    Life lost in the darkness
    Is it are problem of what happens to those lives? So many ask. Why should we care?
    Its not us. Its not are problem. So why step in?
    My reply is because we should.

    (( this stroy is based off the song hero. There will be some of the lyrics in it))
    “ No one sits with him he doesn’t fit in, but we feel like we do when we make fund of him”
    A young boy sits alone, people pointing and ridiculing him. His dead is down on the desk, tears of pain remain unseen....why did this happen to him?
    “ caus you want to belong do you go along?”
    Some one sits in the back, waching, not acting...but not helping
    “ caus his pain is the price for you to belong”
    The cry of rage and pain is heard when the school bell rings
    “ its not like you hate him or want him to die, but mab he gos home and thinks suicide”
    He sees the gun....and takes it.
    “ or he comes back to school with a gun at his side”
    He comes back, and shoots those who hurt him.....a life gone astray, and bystander who didnt intervine,,,,,but what would have happed if they did.? Wpuld he bpdys of the hurters and the victim lay on the floor with no life left in them?
    ‘ any kindness from you could have saved his life”
    “ no one talks to her she feels so alone. She is in to much pain to survive on her own”
    A lonly girl sits in a corner, a blade in her pocket.
    “ the pain she cant handle overflows to a knif, she writes on her arm, wants to give her life”
    Blodd of a life gone flows to the floor.
    “ each day she goes on is a day she is brave”
    bandages on arm, she retruns to school
    “ fighting the lie that giveing up is the way”
    the demon of suicide follows her every where she gos....harder to ignore each day.
    “ each moment that she brave her own life she save, when she throws the pills out a hero is made”
    The pills clang in the bottom of the trash can, the demon of suicide is gone, and hand takes her own, and pulls her back to the path of light
    “ no one talks to him about how he lives, he thinks the descions he makes are just his”
    A boy sits at home...skiping school, he sits in the living room, a pack of cigs lay next to him
    “ doesn;t know he is a leader with the way he behaves, and others will follow the choices me makes. He lives on the edge hes old enough to decide, his brother who wants to be him is just nine”
    A young boy wachs....following his brother. When the eldest sibling leaves...the young boy comes out and reachs for the pack.
    “ he can do what he wants because its his right, the choices he makes change a nine year olds life”
    The oldest boy comes back, to see his nine year old brother smokeing. What had he done?
    I know that this story is not the best,,,but I felt the need to write it. The words you see in the “ ”
    are the lyrics to the song by superchick.