• I walked from the cold, snow-covered campground into the warm cabin. The television was on. Somebody was playing the Wii, again.

    "Andrew, do you never get outside?" I asked, a little miffed. I was dripping with melting snow, having just been the victor of the first major snowball war of the season.

    "Ayla, of course I do. I like playing this more though." He answered, not even looking at me. Rolling my dark, chocolate brown eyes, I walked over to the stove, putting a pot of water on to boil for some hot chocolate.

    "So, who won?" Andrew asked, sneaking up behind me. I was used to having him do this, so I did not jump as he intended.

    "Me, of course. Those wimps out there can't hit the broad side of a barn." This made him laugh. He was always telling me that I was a hick.

    "You are soooo a hick," he said, sparking another argument about this.

    "I am not, you oversized ape!" I exclaimed, turning to him in anger. I was tired of his teasing and mean comments.

    He leaned over and kissed me. It was a surprise. He had never done that before. It made me melt at the knees.

    Breaking the kiss off, he smiled."Ha," he said." I finally got to you, the Ice Queen."

    I snorted."You did not. I am not gotten to. Keep trying, buster." I turned my back to him and added some chocolate powder to the boiling water, humming all the while. A blast of cold air hit me, making me shiver.

    "Is that cocoa I smell?" a very familiar, and very welcome voice said. I turned to the love of my like, Nicolai Giavanni.

    Smiling, I poured him a mug of the steaming hot chocolate and put whipped cream on top. "Here you go, darling," I practically sang, handing him the mug.

    He gave me his most dazzling smile."Thank you, sweetheart."

    I smiled back. "No problemo!!" I said, walking back to the stove with a bounce to my step. I hummed as I began the dinner preparations.

    People began arriving in droves, my classmates and friends singing and laughing. This was the perfect Winter Vacation.

    Little did I know that it would turn out to be the biggest, the worst and the most horrible nightmare in the world.