• Synopsis:
    Old wizard Magnus taught his students the discipline and laws of being a true sorcerer. But he is not satisfied of the knowledge he had. He wants to be the most powerful among all creatures. The only way to gain the power is to learn the secret of the Follis Book written by Ghost Maddies and kept by King Vinere, king of warriors.

    “Load your bows!” commanded the head archer. The archers picked an arrow and placed it to their bows.
    From the horizon appears a battalion of evil creatures. Floating ghost with swords, decaying bodies, mummies riding on werewolves were going toward the castle.
    Master Fervid was shaken with the great number of enemy aiming to acquire the mysterious Follis Book kept by him. “Prepare the catapult!” he ordered.
    “Master Fervid” called wizard Magnus
    “Our enemies are too many for our warrior and-”
    “I know”
    There was a short silence. Then,
    “Tell your fellow sorcerers that we will help the warriors to defeat our enemies”

    “Prepare to fire!” yelled the head archer. The wind blew hard as the enemies came nearer to the castle.
    Vinere, with some of his men climbed on their horses and went outside. “There are so many of them than we expected” he said.

    Now, the enemies were almost half kilometer away from the first line of their defense. “Fire!” yelled the head archer. The archers released the arrows and picked another one and loaded it to their bows.
    “Attack!” Vinere yelled. They raised their swords as their horses galloped towards the enemy. Arrows filled the sky then it pierced into the body of some evil creatures. Black blood oozed out from their deep sores then they lay dead on the ground. Sword fenced hard and sliced the heads of some of the mummies; their bodies fell while their heads flew and rolled.
    The flying ghost drew their swords and cut the warriors’ body. It was a bloody fight. Now, only Vinere was left. His warriors were lying in the bloody soil, not moving nor breathing. He blamed himself for death of his men but he is more desperate to avenge. He shouted and sliced the bodies of few mummies. He was very tired. He didn’t notice the floating ghost threw a sword. Unfortunately, his horse was hit and he fell. He rolled down and saw a sword aiming to hit him. He closed his eyes.