• I cry. I lie and say I'm fine. I sit. I watch the clock tick away the seconds of life that go by with out you. I lay awake at night and think of you and my silent tears run down my face, to my pillow, and it is stained with my grief. I wonder when I will stop crying. When will I finally be able to smile and not cry on the inside? Why? Why did you have to go? Why couldn't you hold on? I would have shared your pain! I would have given everything for you to still be here! Now I just sit! My life is filled with empty days! Empty days and they wil never end for me! The others will move on. Of course thet will. They didn't love you like I did! They couldn't read your eyes, feel the pain you felt, see through the false acts and the fake smiles.They didn't know you. Not like I did. Never like I did. They will get over you. But I will still cry, I will still cling to your memories. I will still dream of the last words you said in this world. You said you loved me. But then you left. And now I'm all alone.