• Zan punched and kicked her way skillfully to the front of the group. Combat training...Think with your limbs be them...flow with them be a combined energy Zan thought a she battled the last adult. Zan kicked him over and knocked him out like it was nothing. Zan sighed as she looked at her students who now lay on the floor groaning and moaning. "Okay class got ice whatever needs to be iced and shower" Zan was not happy with her class they were all at least 18-20 and she was only a fifteen year old girl could beat them up. Zan sighed again. But she had studied in martial arts since she was two ninja . Zan was deep in thought when she sensed a form behind her. "Yes?" Zan asked. Turning to face whatever had spooked her out of her thoughts. But no one was there. Zan knew better then to 'just leave it' but she made it seem as if she was doing just that. suddenly someone jumped out of the corner of Zan's perihelia vishion. "damn" Zan hissed an oath. She moved to counter but her counter had a counter and an attack.
    Zan fought with this someone he was of more strength but she always guessed that would be so and made up for it in skill and agility. Soon the stranger had her-Zan-pinned tight to the groung with her hands behind her back. "I am Xin I wish to speak with the master of this dojo" He said. "...You're amount her" Zan said nearly growling. "What?" Xin said blushing bright red. But he did not release his grip. "Okay this is getting boring" Zan said. Her shoulders where starting to hurt. She flipped and reversed there positions. "Mr. X who sent you to catch me?" Zan asked irritated.
    "...No one" Xin said. "I just wanted to jion and my friend said that you didn't let new students jion unless they could beat you" Xin said hurridly.
    Zan was quiet as she sat on Xin. "How old are you?" She asked him. "Sixteen why?" Xin asked. "...Welcome to the Zan Clan" Zan said smiling holding out her hand. Xin took it and they shook hands and smiled at each other.