• Serenading
    Throughout Times Square
    Psychotic protesters
    “P.E.T.A.! Oil! Women’s rights!
    “It ain’t God’s will for men to wear tights!”
    What’s wrong with them
    I can’t help to think
    But still they’re wearing scarves of mink
    “Abortions! Forests! Rancid meat!
    “We’re sick of Bush trying to cheat!”
    People need to think more
    That’s what’s necessary
    We have to stop dreaming
    About godmothers disguised as fairies
    Childish children
    Childish men
    Never grow up
    But then again
    Do any of us?
    Do we? Really?
    ‘Cause the thoughts in our heads sure are silly
    But at least we’re thinking, sure, I guess.
    Yet our world’s a great big mess
    “Slaughter-houses! Water wasting! Gangsters with a shiv!
    “Don’t you think your baby wants to live?”