• Where am I? I opened my eyes and noticed that i wasn't in my room anymore. i was on a white, sandy beach, with clear blue water lapping at the shore and my feet. A cloudless sky stretched out before me, dotted with seagulls and other birds. i sat up and tried to take in the strange surroundings, when a black figure caught my eye. I turned where i sat and saw it dash into the forest behind me. "Hey!" I called out, my voice sounding strange. i scrambled to my feet and raced after it. I zoomed clumsily through the trees and shrubs, leaping over branches and falling once in a while. I skidded to a halt when a reached a large clearing. In front of me lay a large, crystal clear pond surrounded by flat boulders. Butterflies danced in the rays of sunshine that flitted through the trees. I heard a girl singing a sad, haunting song. I scanned the other side and spotted a young girl an a long, white dress with white blonde hair and huge, blue eyes. she continued to sing. "Excuse me?" I called. The girl stopped singing and looked at me. Suddenly, the air became cold. Gusts of wind whipped at my face and blew my hair back. The girl stood up. Her blue eyes changed from blue to red. Blood red. She raised her hand in front of her and smiled wickedly. From behind, i could see a cloud of darkness begin to form, swallowing everything. I tried to run, but fell. It creeped up my legs and my stomach. When it reached my neck, I gasped for breath. It stung my nose and made my eyes water. I struggled to breathe and kicke dmy legs, trying to break free. The darkness swallowed me whole and i could hear nothing. THUMP-THUMP THUMP-THUMP
    I shot out of bed screaming in a cold sweat. My heart raced and i realized it was just a nightmare. I opened my window and rested my head back on my pillow, waiting until sunrise.