• Bismarkarek's Army of The Dead

    Chapter One

    It is dark as we ride up to the castle in the kingdom of Morawk. We have to get their before they raise the bridge, if we are caught outside over night, I shudder to think of our fate. I dig my spurs in as arrows whistle past us landing with thumps in the ground behind us, this spooks the horses and they gallop with renewed vigor. Behind us specs of light fill the night sky like fireflies. they may have flaming arrows, but we are nearing the gate, giving the castles archers the chance to return fire on our unseen attackers. Just as we get within the grounds of the castle the bridge begins to rise but we are not safe yet, the enemy has fired one final volley of arrows and the air is thick with the scent of burning tar. The guards dont take any chances and hastily close the large wooden door and the seige gate. We hear the ominous thumps as the arrows rain their death upon the door and gate and finally the bridge.

    The ride through the courtyard to the stables is a short and unexciting one. The walk to the throne room is a nice change from the awkward sitting position that i had adopted after nearly falling from my horse as an arrow had clipped my shoulder.

    “My lord I have returned from the mission on which you have sent me, I have the prize we need to win this war” I say bowing.

    He looks at me very sternly and asks “what prize is this?”

    “I think you should know after all you sent me after it” I say my voice laced with sarcasm.

    He says “Ah, yes I do remember now, and do you have it?”

    “But of course my lord”, I reply.

    “Then give it here Bismarkarek” he annouces.

    “I’m afraid I can not do that my lord”,remorse flooding through in my words.

    “And why is that,may I ask?” he retorts, the rage apparent in his eyes.

    I say “the reason is because as soon as I touched the Tsaf it absorbed into my body and the only way to retrieve this staff is through my death my lord”.
    As soon as I finish my sentence I see that he intends to end my life now in this very room, as he has summoned his guards to hold me and present a perfect view of my throat. In a shout of success he pulls out his dagger and lunges.