• "Giles. Answer me this, if you will: If we were put here on Earth, what is it that we should be doing?"

    "Why, I'm unsure of what your saying. Are you questioning the life of your own kind."

    "Yes, I'm uncertain that humans were ever meant to be. I have begun to consider that we, the human race, were an accident, or a mistake."

    "Why, that's absurd! How can humanity be a mistake?!"

    "It's rather quite easy. If someone were to accidentally mix two chemicals, is there not a reaction?"

    "Of course, why would there not be one?"

    "The same would go if someone had accidentally mixed some chemicals together to make humans. Would it not?"

    "How can you be so sure of this theory?"

    "How can I not be?"

    "There isn't enough evidence to prove your theory right, is there?"

    "No, but is there enough evidence to prove it wrong?"