• Dear Diary,

    Today me and Jack broke up. I am officially a jealous, overreacting cow. I wish I could just, you know, pause the world and rewind back. Whenever I think about it I just get angry, sad and jealous all over again. Why did I let the limpet win? Of course there was nothing going on between them. Or was there?

    I snapped the cover of my diary shut and threw it onto the floor beside my bed. I was sitting there, knees drawn up, trying to figure out whether I had been justified in my dumping the guy who was so perfect for me that it didn't seem possible. I was still undecided. Ugh.

    There was a hesitant knock on the door. I stifled a groan of frustration. Didn't anyone understand that I just wanted to be ALONE?
    "What?" I snapped.
    Leo opened the door hesitantly. "Uh, your mum said that I could come up. Are you okay?"
    "Leo, I really can't deal with you bothering me right now." I gestured to the sheets of crumpled paper lying around. "I'm trying to figure out how I would apologise to Jack. If I was going to."
    "You know, even when you're sad you're still a drama queen." He ignored my not-so-subtle way of telling him to get lost and plopped down on the bed beside me. I stood and started pacing the room.
    "Why are you here?" I demanded. "Gonna lord it over me that you were right and Jack and me weren't the perfect couple? Cause you're not right."
    "Then how come I'm here and he's not?"
    I shrugged, trying to hide the fact that I agreed with him. It was a good point. "One, you're stalkerish to me. Two, I broke up with him, so if anyone apologises it has to me. Three..." I sighed. "I really don't know."
    "Well, as interesting as all this gloomy stuff is," Leo stood. "I still have a life, and that mean I gots to be somewhere. Wanna come?"
    "Get out, Leo!" I pushed him out of my door and slammed it, picking up another scrap of paper to try and write my apology. If I was going to apologise, that is. Which I wasn't.

    "Jack. I was wrong. I really like you. I'm a jealous cow. Please say you don't hate me. This is awkward, huh? Well, call me back when you get this. Bye." I snapped my phone shut and stared up at the ceiling. Even on his voicemail, I still sounded like the biggest idiot in the world. Hopefully he would call me back before too long. Hopefully.