• Lately I've been counting down the days till Halloween, the day I come alive!
    On the 31st of October all dolls can move, talk, and do anything they want!
    This will be my first, and sady, most likely last halloween. The store owner looks over at me with a disguisted look. I know he hates me, he wants to get rid of me cause I'm the doll stuck there that no one wants to buy. He's making millions selling those pretty pink dolls. Heck he even gets companies sending him letters, E-mails, messengers, Singing Telegrams, asking him for his dolls. He turns all down, he apparently doesn't want people "Stealing" his dolls.He made me for Halloween. Yet no one wants me! It's the holiday when people should want thing scary, not pretty and pink. but all little girls buy the pretty dolls, and put fairy wings on them and carry them around under their arms to be there matching doll. It makes me say knowing I wont get someone to love me that much. But gives me great joy I won't have to smell a little girls armpit, unlike the pretty dolls! Ha ha ha. Halloween is 5 days away. Then I can do what I've dreamed of.