• Dan's knee shook like leaves on a windy day. "Focus, Dan, focus," he told himself. Dan had never gotten over his fears of heights. He had just learned to control by paying attention to the small details of his job. For the last several years, Dan had been a window washer, haning off the side of some of the tallest building in town.
    "Wet it down," Dan reminded himself. "Now use the squeegee."
    But Dan's knees weren't shaking on this day because he was hundreds of feet off the ground. He was shaking because he was excited. Linda worked on the top floor of this building. And tonight after work, he was going to ask Linda to marry him.
    As Dan was working on the floor below Linda's office, he reached into his pocket to look at the ring he had brought her.
    "I hope she says "yes"," he said out loud.
    Suddenlt the ring slipped out of Dan;s sweatyhand. It bounced off the scaffold he was standing on and landed on the ledges of the building. He tried to reac it but his safety harness didn't let him. Dan removed the harness and strected for the ring.
    Just as he grabbed it, a powerful gust of wind hit. The scaffold swayed violently. Dan lost his balan and fell over the side.
    Dan found himself hanging from the bottom of the platform by the fingers of his left hand. His feet danced below him high above the busy street. Somehow, he was still squeezing his right fist around the ring.
    With his heart screaming in his ears, Dan quickly put the ring in his pocket and grabbed hold with both hands. Using all his strenght, he pulled himself back on the scaffold and into his harness.
    "That was close," Dan said, trying to catch his breath. "But it's all good now."
    A few minutes later, Dan happily pounded on the window glass to get Linda's attention. She didn't hear him, so he pounded harder. Again she didn't hear. He started hitting the window so hard he thought the glass woul break.
    Finally, linda looked up from her work and came toward the window where Dan was waving now. A look of horror filled her face. She turned pale and crashed to the floor.
    "Linda!" Dan screamed. "Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
    Linda's best friend Barbara, who had heard the noise from next door, helped Linda up to a nearby chair.
    "It was Dan, wasn't it?" Barbara asked.
    "Yes," Linda said through her sobbing. "He came back just like he always does each year on this day. The day 13 years ago when he fell to his death."