• It was around 13 years ago when it happened. I and my sister Neara were brought to the leaf village when we were 5. Our parents were picking up some ingrediants for dinner. Me and Neara were wandering through the streets looking around when we bumpped these two Anbu. I asked them what they wanted from us but one of then grabbed me and lifted me up with only one hand. He took out a kunai and cut a gash on each of the palms of my hands. I yelpped and tried to get free but I couldn't. Neara tried to get the guy to let go of me but the other guy grabbed her and did the same the one who grabbed me was doing to me. She got ticked and kicked him and he let her go. The other guy threw me into the dust I grabbed Neara and we both ran but the anbu followed us we ran into our parents. "Whats wrong with you two?" Our dad asked. "Theres these two nut case Anbu after us they cut our hands with a kunai!" Neara said showing our parents the cuts she got. My parents were deathly horrified and when the anbu showed up we hid from them. Our parents were gonna fight back but the anbu killed them with a katana to their hearts. We were scared so we ran to the gates of the leaf village and escaped promising we'd never go there ever again. To Be Continued.....