• He woke suddenly, gasping and panting. Covered in a thin sheen of cold sweat. Fear from the dream still coursing through his body like some kind of super sonic blood that can race through the entire bloodstream at super sonic speeds. He got out of bed slowly unable to shake the feeling he was being watched. The cold hardwood under his feet was relaxing and he began to try and calm down. It’s just a dream he tried telling himself. It wasn’t real. You’re fine now. Or so he thought. Suddenly the pit on his stomach hardened and he knew now that it wasn’t a dream, that this was really happening. He flung his shoes on and ran. He ran from all the shadow of his mind, chasing him. He ran with no idea where he was running to, just that he was running. Running until his lungs felt like they would pop and his muscles like they were on fire. But he kept pushing; there was no time to stop for air.

    He watched from the shadows, waiting for him to run by. People are always so predictable he chuckled to himself, and so stupid too. He comes running this way from his imagination always checking behind, never looking where he is going. That is his biggest mistake. It’s always the biggest mistake. The gun felt good in his hand as he brought it up. The crosshairs of the scope lined up on his running target. One squeeze of his finger and a small bang and he himself was off running in the night. No need to stick around for the after party he thought to himself as he disappeared into the darkness.

    Suddenly the burning was no longer in his legs but now a more intense burning in his chest. Pain followed slowly by numbness began to spread across his body. He put his hands to his chest and they pulled away wet and sticky. He was no longer running, he was on his back, gazing up at the stars through his fading vision. The numbness took over and the stars all turned black. He was a peace finally. Now he could dream only the peaceful dreams of death, and for all of eternity.