• The day started off as usual for Violet and her Guardian Kaina, October...
    A bowl of something that Violet wasn't exactly sure what it was, in her book if it tastes good and it won't kill her if she eats it, then might as well not let it go to waste. You see Violet never knew where she came from. She can't remember anything before she was six-years-old. She never could figure it out...but she was happy with October, a friend, someone to make her laugh so hard she blew milk out of her nose from three hours before, and someone who loves chocolate as much as she does.

    "So where are we off to this time?" Asked Violet looking out the window at the snow flakes falling gracefully onto the front yard of the hotel they where staying at.
    "I thought you would want to stay here for a while. Well at least until Mother Nature stops making snow angels." Answered October swiftly stroking a quill with a long black feather coming out of the top across a piece of parchment.
    "I know October but I just want to find a little more each day about where I came from. I've wanted to know what happened the first six years of my life and why I can't remember any of it." Violet said with a long sigh.
    The only sound Violet heard was the gentle and almost soothing sound of the quill stroking across the parchment, and the smell of the pipe October was smoking. She always liked the smell of the pipe ever since she was a child.
    It smelled like Peppermint and Vanilla.
    Violet started getting up from the chair she was sitting in as October was putting the letter she was writing into a fancy envelope and stamping it with an old-fashioned wooden stamp that made a dove in black wax on the envelope and at the snap of October's fingers a pure black Owl appeared in a blink of an eye and took the letter in his beak and he was gone.
    October got up and took a bag in her hand and walked out of the hotel room with Violet by her side.
    They walked up to the counter and October dropped some money on the desk and they walked out.

    An Hour Passes When They Make It To The Boarding Dock To Leave That Planet

    October and Violet where sitting in a waiting area to get on the boat to leave.
    Then they heard a female voice come over the intercom, "All boarding for the boat to Ukaya please come to isle fifteen." The woman repeated herself once just to make sure everyone heard.
    They got up and started walking towards a woman in a dark blue long-sleeve dress shirt and a knee high skirt with the same color two-inch high-heel shoes with a badge that said Sky for her name took a glance at their passports and let them board.

    On the boat they watched as many other people started filing onto the boat and then going to different parts. Then a boy came aboard with waist-long black hair and light blue eyes. He had someone with him, Violet started focusing her vision to see what he looked like... then she spots a tattoo on his neck that only Guardian Kaina's have!
    She turned towards October and tapped her shoulder, "October," she said in a whisper, "that boy that just came aboard has a Guardian Kaina too! I saw the tattoo on his neck just like yours!"
    October just stared at her and glanced at where the boy and his Guardian Kaina where standing. It was easy for her to see because they where just about five-hundred feet away looking out at the water and chatting softly to each other.
    "Should we introduce ourself's to them?" Asked Violet.
    October quickly looked away from their direction when the boy looked over. Violet assumed that he saw October's Tattoo because out of the side of her eye she saw him staring at them then he turned away and started talking to his Guardian Kaina again.
    "I don't think so. I think we should wait for the introduction until they step forward. Because we don't know who they are yet."

    The next day at breakfast in the dining hall they sat at a table that was right across from the two mysterious boys. The one with long hair was every once and a while glancing at Violet.
    After breakfast October and Violet got up and they went into the lounge. Then about ten minutes later the guys walked in and sat down near them. Violet got up and started getting a drink for herself and October when the boy with the long hair came up and started getting a drink also.
    "Hello." He said to her with a smile.
    "Hey." She answered with a grin.
    "I see you have a Guardian Kaina."
    She looked up at him and smiled
    "I see you have one also." She said
    "I'm Yuri." He said while mixing different drinks together.
    "I'm Violet." She said to him as they walked back to where their Guardian's where sitting.
    "Whats you're Guardian's name? October is what my Guardian's name is."
    "Jakoy." Answered Yuri.
    They sat back down on the couch and started talking and talking until a voice came out of a box in a corner of the room, "Attention! Attention! We will be landing now at the dock of Ukaya!"
    After they landed October, Jakoy, Yuri and Violet walked off the boat and started into the capital city of Ukaya, Ukay City!
    "So where are you guys going?" Asked Violet.
    "Well we are going to Cabaku Islands."
    "We are going there too!" Said Violet.

    So the four set off on the adventure of a life time!
    But don't worry, this is only part one of goodness knows how many!!
    I'll try to think of the rest, k?