• They were so happy when they first met. He smiled at her and she looked away blushing. And by the end of the night she knew she was falling for him but wasn’t sure if he would return her feelings. They talked on the roof all night and danced and when the party was over she held him in her arms in the open field they had wandered off too. While he was drifting asleep he whispered in her ear….

    “If you love me, won’t you let me know”? And she knew then that he definitely returned his feelings.

    They dated for a long time and they bickered over tiny things that they thought were cute at the time. But the arguments got more serious and soon she was sure he was going to leave her. He promised he wasn’t but she didn’t believe him and thought his love for her would fade. He held her face in his hands and looked her into her eyes and said….

    “If you love me, won’t you let me know?” She didn’t respond, she just kissed him and cried in his arms.

    The couple separated and years past before they saw each other again. She was engaged to marry someone else but as soon as her fiancée slipped the ring on her finger her first love popped up into her head. She went back to the place where they first met and was surprised to see him smoking up there. He glared at her but when he realized who she was he walked over to her and asked her why she was here. “I…wanted to remember what loving you was like.” And he pinned her to the wall angrily. He shouted and swore and when he finally calmed down he cried in her ear in agonizing pain.

    “If you loved me, why’d you let me go?”