• "Talking"
    "Kyuubi/Inner Sakura"

    The 5th hokage was just about to finish the last set of paperwork when she heard a fairly annoying ‘tap’ on the window

    “All right you three! Bring it!”, Naruto yelled towards Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino. Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura, the current Anbu captains, and jonins Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, and Akamichi Choji were all at Konoha’s training area 23. The Anbu were wearing their regular outfits with a bandage concealing the Anbu tattoo on their left arm. Their friends were also wearing their regular wear.

    “This is troublesome…” Shikamaru moaned “I guess I’ll make the rules…Taijutsu, ninjutsu, and weapons are allowed. As for the opponent parings…I’ll leave that to Sakura…”

    Sakura sighed “Fine. Let’s see…Sasuke-kun vs. Shikamaru, Naruto vs. Choji, and me vs. Ino. Ok?” Shikamaru moaned, Sasuke just merely said “Hn…” and everyone else nodded.

    Everyone stood in front of their opponents. Sakura took charge and said ,“Ready…” Sasuke pulled out his katana and Naruto and Shikamaru pulled out a kunai. “Set…” Everyone switched into their fighting stances. “Go!”

    Naruto threw his kunai at Choji only to have it stopped by an Anbu who had just appeared in the area. The Anbu bowed towards Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke. “Sumimasen. But Lady Tsunade needs you in her office.”

    “When?” asked Naruto.

    “As soon as possible.”

    Sakura nodded , “Ok.”

    “Excuse me.” The Anbu disappeared.

    “Sorry guys. We’ll finish this later!” Naruto said before disappearing with his friends.


    Harry woke to the sound of someone entering the tent. He was at the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys and Hermione. It was the day before the match between Ireland and Bulgaria and he, Ron, Fred, and George were already making bets on who will win while Hermione watched them fight.

    “So what’s this about guards at Hogwarts this year?”

    Harry sat up in his bed making sure that no one would hear him behind the curtain. “I’m not sure but Albus hired them.” ‘Mr. Weasley? Mr. Diggory?’ Harry listened more.

    “Did he tell you about them?”

    “A little. He told me that they were ninjas.”

    “Ninjas? So they’re muggles?”

    “Most likely…But if they were hired by Albus then they’re not the normal type of muggles…”

    “I see…Well thanks for telling me.”

    “No problem.” ‘Why would professor Dumbledore hire muggles?’ Harry would have thought over it more but he fell asleep after Mr. Diggory left the tent.


    “Anbu captains Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura." Tsunade set down her paperwork. “Just recently someone request a mission. Here.” She handed Sasuke two documents. He opened one to find a letter written in perfect katakana, hiragana, and kanji. “Read it. I’ll explain the rest after you read it.” Sasuke looked at the letter with Naruto and Sakura looking over his shoulder.

    Dear Hokage of Konohagakura,

    I’m sorry about the owl. They grow old and don’t know if the window is open or not. Anyways, I, Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would be very grateful if you would think of me as a regular client. If you would be so kind, I would like to request 3 of your best ninja and have them help protect Hogwarts for one year starting September 1st. My reason is that this year we will be holding a dangerous tournament for our students and for other students from two other magical schools. If you accept then send your ninjas to Kings Cross. There they will be expected to board the train at platform 9 1/3. Thank you for your time.

    -Albus Dumbledore

    Naruto scratched his head “September 1st is tomorrow!” Sasuke ignored Naruto and set the letter aside and opened the other document.

    “Those are diagrams of the school layout.” Sasuke looked at them a bit the placed them back into the envelope.

    “This is an S-ranked mission. Wear you Anbu gear at all times while on guard and do not remove your masks, Naruto.” Everyone looked at Naruto. “What?” Tsuande continued “Will you accept this mission?” The three nodded. “Good. You’ll leave tomorrow at 10:30 am. This ‘train’ leaves at 12:00 pm. Pack anything that you will need for the next year. You won’t see this place in awhile so I suggest you say good bye to your friends. You’re dismissed.” The captains left the office.

    Outside, Naruto said “One year…That sucks…” "Whats wrong now kit?" 'We're going to be on a mission in a foreign country for a year' "Well that sucks" 'Tell me about it.'

    "Well we better start packing now and say good bye afterwards. Tomorrow we’ll meet at the training area were we became team 7 ‘kay?” Sakura asked the boys."One year! One fricken year!! This sucks damn it! CHA!"

    Sasuke nodded , “Right. Don’t forget anything loser.”

    “Hey-!” Sasuke disappeared before Naruto could finish his sentence.

    “Bye Naruto! See you tomorrow! Don’t be late.” Sakura disappeared. The blond sighed and went home.


    “Damn it teme! We’ve been walking around forever! Admit! We’re lost. What time is it damn it!?”

    “It’s 11:30 loser. Now shut up!”

    “Guys come on! Would you two stop fighting already?!” Sakura dragged Sasuke and Naruto over towards a wall with a sign that said 'Platform 9'.

    The Anbu trio had to change their appearance since when they first arrived people backed away slowly and then ran. Sakura had only made her hair black and slightly longer, Sasuke decided to make his hair more normal and his eye color blue, And Naruto had made his hair normal and made sure that his whiskers disappeared. “Guys stop fighting!” Sasuke and Naruto obeyed and stopped glaring at each other.

    “It’s not my fault that teme over there is horrible with directions…” Naruto leaned back only to fall right threw the wall. Sasuke and Sakura pulled on his arms so he wouldn’t fall threw. Naruto stood up and said “I found it. Now let’s go already!” Naruto ran threw the wall. His comrades nodded and followed.

    On the other side they dropped their Transformation jutsu and returned to their regular appearance. They were now wearing black shirts, long black pants, Fingerless gloves, white, hand-crafted masks, and white, hand-crafted armor. Each of them had different masks on. Sasuke’s mask was made to look like a falcon, Sakura’s a wolf, and Naruto’s a fox. The three gazed at the train since they didn’t have the kind of thing back at Konoha. The train whistle blew. “Come on. We better get on.” Sasuke said.

    On the train, Sasuke found an empty compartment and walked in with the others following. They sat down and sighed in relief. “I can’t believe we finally got here!” Sakura moaned while reaching off to take off her mask.

    Sasuke grabbed her hand “Don’t take it off. There might be other people who will come into this compartment.” She nodded.

    “I wonder what it’s gonna be like?” Naruto asked.

    “Hell should I know loser”

    “I’m not-!” Naruto stopped his sentence short when three people walked in.


    Harry, Ron, and Hermione were the ones who walked in and then sat down. ‘Great. Looks like we won’t be able to have a private conversation now…’ Naruto thought. "Get over it." 'Kyuubi shut the ******** up!'

    At the same time Harry thought ‘These must be the guards. They look like wimps.’ After a minute Hermione tried to strike up a conversation “So…Who are you guys? You don’t look like wizards.”

    Sasuke took charge “We’re Anbu hired to help guard Hogwarts. And you’re correct, we’re not wizards. We’re ninjas.”

    “Your guards?”

    Naruto nodded “Yeah. We were hired by the headmaster of the school.”

    Ron looked confused “Why would Professor Dumbledore hire guards?”

    Sakura shrugged “We don’t know. But he mentioned in the letter to our Hokage that there was something planed for the year…”

    Hermione nodded “I see…Do you know what is planed?” Sakura shook her head “Nope.”

    Harry finally spoke a few minutes later “So what are your names? And can you take off your masks?”

    Sasuke took charge again “I’m Sasuke Uchiha. And no we can’t” Harry didn’t ask why.

    Sakura went next “I’m Sakura Haruno. Nice to meet you.”

    “And I’m Naruto Uzumaki.” After the Anbu finished introducing their tongues were left with a tingling feeling since they were talking a lot for the first time with the new language that they were using.

    Harry nodded and said “I’m Harry Potter and these are my friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.”


    “Pleasure to meet you”

    After an hour, Naruto had fallen asleep, Sasuke was reading a book that he brought, Hermione and Sakura were talking to each other, and Harry and Ron were talking with each other. The compartment door slid open. Naruto woke up instantly, Sasuke glanced up from his book, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Sakura looked at the door. “To think that Dumbledore would go this far for protection. Hiring muggles! Ha!”

    Malfoy walked into the compartment with Crabbe and Goyle following. “What do you want Malfoy?” Harry glared at Malfoy.

    “I just want to see what these ‘guards’ are like.”

    “Beat it Malfoy” Ron told him.

    “Shut it Weasley.”

    He pointed his wand at Sasuke. The Uchiha looked up grunted out an “Hn…” and returned to his book.

    Malfoy smirked and said “Evanesco(1)!” A colorful light flashed from the tip of his wand and headed towards Sasuke and possibly Naruto.

    After the light faded Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura were gone. Malfoy smirked “Heh. There nothing but wimps.” He signaled towards Crabbe and Goyle and turned to leave.

    “Hey! Who are you calling wimps?!”

    Malfoy turned around and looked around the compartment. “We’re up here baka.” Malfoy, Harry, Hermione, and Ron looked up. Hanging on the ceiling was Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura and Sasuke was still reading his book. Malfoy frowned, not knowing if the three were smirking at him behind their masks or not.

    “Hmph…” Malfoy left the compartment and the Anbu jumped down. Sasuke set down his book and looked at Harry and comp. The three looked surprised and shocked at the same time.


    “How did you guys do that?! That was amazing!” Ron said.

    “It wasn’t that hard. We just concentrated our chakra to our feet and it allowed us to do what you just saw.” Sakura told them.

    Harry and Ron look confused.

    Hermione sighed “Don’t ask you two. You wouldn’t get it. We’re almost at Hogwarts. I’m gonna go get ready.” She stood up and walked out of the compartment. Harry and Ron got up and followed Hermione.

    “We’ll see you guys later." '

    'I think this year is gonna fun...' Naruto thought. "You'll drive them mad kit." 'like you won't?' "You have a point kit"

