• Prologue

    Have you ever wished that life would throw you a curve ball just to make things interesting? I did and boy was it a curve ball, made my head spin. One day I was just living my normal 19 year old life and the next i get thrown....oops I am getting ahead of myself. Can't very well tell the middle before the beginning. I'll start with the day everything changed...

    I was driving home from my friend Sam's 20th birthday party and regretted it about half way home. It was pitch black and raining heavily, I could barely see two feet in front of me. I was careful and going well below the speed limit just wanting to go and crawl into my nice warm bed. Twenty more minutes went by and I knew I was almost home but as soon as I came around a curve something, most likely a cat, jumped out in front of my car. I did the normal human reaction and turned the wheel trying to avoid it which was the wrong move. The wheels of the car never caught tread on the slick road and I went spinning out of control. I never had time to react because just in those few short moments there was a loud sound of tinfoil crunching and the car came to a stop with a sudden jolt which in turn made me bang my head on the stirring wheel and everything went black.

    Chapter 1

    It was early morning and the sunlight was just breaking through the canopy making the dew twinkle, sparkle, and shine. A redish brown squirrel was going about his business when he was suddenly scared away by the movement of something not to far from him. The movement came from a girl and she was just waking up. She slowly opened her eyes revealing bright silver eyes and just laid there a moment until she finally woken up enough to sit up and take a look around herself. Nothing looked familiar and she wondered how she ended up here, where ever here was. The last she remembered...she couldn't remember anything before waking up in this strange forest. She shook her head trying to remember anything at all but came up with nothing. The shake of her head caused her to wince in pain and she placed her hand on her forehead feeling a small bump.'I wonder where that came from.' She finally decided to get up and explore, maybe she would find some clue as to where she was or get some help. After what seemed like hours she finally heard people talking to her right and quickly went that way following the voices. If they were going to harm her or not she didn't care at the moment, anything was better than being alone and she would deal with the situation if it turned sour. The trees slowly began to clear away the closer she got to the voices and just a few moments later she broke through stopping at the edge of a clearing. She took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness from the sun that the trees had been hiding. Just as she was getting use the light someone grabbed her from behind and placed a knife at her neck. She wanted to scream but found it stuck in her throat. Her captor quickly and roughly brought her to a group of two women and two men and pushed her to the ground in front of them. "Look what I found hiding in the trees."