Aisha Tala's Gallery
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Artist Info:
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Hi, I'm Tala; at least that is what my friends call me by. <br />
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I'm have been 24 as of March 4th. I've been on Gaia since June 17th 2007; this year makes 9 years being on here. <br />
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I really like to talk though I do start off shy. I've been like that since I was wee lil girl. I do like to voice my opinions however I tend to bite my tongue, and hold them back. I rather have friends than enemies.<br />
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I wanna/plan to go to a College for Culinary Arts (trying for The Art Institution) because cooking is my passion. When I'm in the kitchen fixing anything I feel happy, excited and free. I prefer to bake though I can cook just about anything I set my mind to. <br />
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I like all animals; however I LOVE Wolves. Always have though I admit when I was lil girl they were #3 but over the years they have grown to #1 do to so many wonderful experience's I've had with them.<br />
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I do like to draw though I am not the greatest nor can I draw Anime/Manga/Realism. However I am teaching myself everyday so I can work on getting better. Same way with Photography.<br />
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I do not like: Bullying; Abuse of: a Child, Spouse, and or Animal; Hunting for game (I do wanna learn to hunt but only for food reason)<br />
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Along with Culinary I wanna be a Motivational Speaker, Photographer.<br />
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Favorite Anime's: (in Order from #1 Favorite to least Favorite) InuYasha, Naruto, Black Butler, Full Metal Alchemist (Either Version), Bleach, Digimon, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, The Avatar (Both Anng and Kora version), Nura: Rise of the Youkai Clan. High School of the Dead, Soul Eater, Eureka, Sailor Moon. FLCL<br />
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Anime I'm Currently Watching: Naruto Shippuden, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (From what I've seen of this Anime... ain't to bad.)<br />
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Favorite Shows: CSI (any of them), Criminal Minds, Fast'n Loud, Counting Cars, Pawn Stars, All of the Judge Shows (Mathis, Lynn, Judy, Brown, Alex, People Court) Bitchen G (It is on the Cook Channel. Yes that is the name of her Show).<br />
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Wanna know anything else? Please give me a PM or comment.
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