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Artist Info:
NO art for you!! No longer doing Avi-Art but check me out on DeviantART<br />
Cheesecake-Narwhal's my screenname<br />
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Stuff about me:<br />
*I'm a nerdy kid in High School with a 4.183 GPA. <br />
*I'm really mean sometimes because it's really hard to be nice to some people. I'm mean for a reason. I don't just say things to be heard, if I say something mean it's probably true. <br />
*I hate drama with my friends who all hate each other, I guess. Grow-UP.<br />
*I know this guy who better watch his back if he hurts my best friend again.<br />
*I'm done trying to fix people's love lives. They don't want my help anyways. <br />
*I CAN speak weasel<br />
*I like having my back rubbed and my head pet<br />
*I like to be called cute or something even though I'm not. Don't try to argue. <br />
*I LIKE being the creepy one<br />
*I have panic attacks sometimes. in church. <br />
*I'm learning the art of "That's what she said..."<br />
*I don't appreciate when people are asympathetic when I'm suffering; it's a great way to be an a**hole. <br />
*I create crack couples with real people<br />
*I'm secretly a pervert and like hard yaoi...guess it's not a secret anymore XD<br />
*Probably bicurious...I blame hormones. <br />
*I love all my friends, even if they can't stand each other. <br />
*I love life <br />
**I don't like people volunteering me.<br />
*I'm a brat sometimes. I just need a hug.<br />
*I loves my old teacher and will miss him forever! DAMN YOU FAIRVIEW!!!!!!!! *waves fist in air* <br />
*I want to know your favorite color.<br />
*I has British, Asian, hair and color fetish.<br />
*I'm watching you and they way your clothes lie when you sit. <br />
*My boyfriend is the cutest geeky thing in the world and I will forever call him Mikey.<br />
*I'm now lactose intolerant...Mikey's fault.<br />
*i will get a picture from Gerard Way one day.<br />
8I'm not ashamed to like Justin Bieber. He's too cute for words. <br />
*I'm a hypocrite<br />
*i AM going to make movies with Ross in them one day.<br />
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<br />HATES<br /><br />
Being the ONLY one who can get along with anyone! <br />
People lurking around behind me<br />
Disturbing jokes that everyone gets but me<br />
cleaning my room<br />
killer bees<br />
Regular bees<br />
love drama in the HS<br />
Homophobic people<br />
tall people sitting/standing in front of me (I'm still pretty tall!)<br />
Those annoying perverted people<br />
People who try to beg me to do their work<br />
Stomach aches<br />
my brother (the little one, not the hot one) <br />
When people don't know how good they have it. You could be starving on the side of the road! BE GRATEFUL!<br />
Morning stretches at band practice. I honestly don't think it's funny. It's gross and I refuse to partake. <br />
Not knowing how to drescribe things<br />
Being told to repeat what I said because people can't pay attention<br />
Being interrupted by EVERYONE!!<br />
Drugs/alcoholic drinks/ bad crap like that Such a great way to kill yourself~<br />
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Donors:<br />
Meikiyano = Black Top Hat<br />
Rogue Ninja X = Bunny Luv<br />
Kodocha711 = Gold Mountain Tie: Black Diamond<br />
Kodocha711 = Black Tie<br />
Saskue601= Rose Galoshes & Black leather pompom boots. - Avg. rating:
- 30 Fans
Please release
me from this
curse! - I Hate Sundays
- Fiction
- 0 recent comments
But why did
Jesse do those
things to my
friends? - Jesse, DON...
- Fiction
- 0 recent comments
We were best of
friends, once.
But he left me
in the cold. - Jesse, DON...
- Fiction
- 0 recent comments
Comments (12 Comments)
- Goddanm - 09/13/2009
Awe thanks. I think it could be better...
But I guess I'm happy with it. :] - Report As Spam
- Goddanm - 09/07/2009
Aaw thankyou ^^
I'm glad then. - Report As Spam
- Goddanm - 09/05/2009
I just wanted to say thanks for being a fan. ;3
My work isn't that great... xD
:] Yours is really neat though ^^<3 - Report As Spam
- Lizination - 08/10/2009
- wonderful as always! keep it up buddy!
- Report As Spam
- Demon-senpai - 07/27/2009
- wow love ur art
- Report As Spam
- xmoon_dancex - 07/05/2009
- i love your work! thank you so much it's made my day X3
- Report As Spam
- iGlomp-Monster - 06/18/2009
- I love you MORE!
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