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Artist Info:
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(20)<br />
(F)<br />
(Canadian)<br />
(Utterly Flabbergasted) <br />
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I feel as though Gaia is the vault that holds my memories of being a weeaboo. Looking back at all the old, cruddy art I've put up as well as the gaudy items housed in my inventory, I am reminded of the person I was oh so many years ago.<br />
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I'd like to say that I've grown up quite a bit since them, but that weeaboo is still there, deep down.I've met so many wonderful people on Gaia, but I've lost touch with them. I've been inactive for an extremely long time and now I'm returning, hoping that I bring more than your average over-obsessed nooblet. <br />
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Really it's quite odd returning to something that you'd rather ignore. I'm not proud of my days as a hyperactive weeaboo, but it is something that I have to face sooner or later.<br />
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I've put that behind me now, although I do respect some animes and manga, my attention is captivated by animation, concept art, american cartoons and Homestuck. Wait, no that's wrong. My whole life has been taken over by these things. But it's not so bad. Actually, it is quite wonderful. <br />
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Well would you look at that? I've completed a bit of a monologue that isn't complete sh*t. Bravo to me!<br />
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Feel free to leave a comment or send over a message!<br />
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haha i lied I'm a ween again. Its in a different light though… at least I think so. Anyhow, Right now I'm a busy body in second year at Sheridan College for Animation. School and life are both busy and I don't quite get around on here anymore. I will keep my account here and maybe return later, but for the time being, you can find me at:<br />
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cabooose.tumblr.com<br />
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See you around ya butts! - Avg. rating:
- 2 Fans
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