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Artist Info:
my name is mary, i'm 18, and i'm happily taken<3.<br />
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there isn't much to know about me. i have the best boyfriend // pretty much but not official fiance a girl could ask for. <3 i have amazing friends. i am the marching band's color guard/winterguard captain at my school. i am going to WKU in fall of 09' and will be majoring in nursing.<br />
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i have one brother and one hamster. i'm pretty sure i like the hamster more. i also have 4 goldfish i stole from my biology teacher who didn't know you have to feed them daily. idk how i almost failed a bio class with a teacher who thought that you had to feed goldfish once a week, but you know. life happens.<br />
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i hardly trust anyone. most of my friends and family have totally fucked up lately and quite frankly those that they think are the worst influences are the ones keeping me sane, and the ones that are "there for me" are going to get the cops fucking called on them. fuck them. they're just static in my world and i fucking tune them all out.<br />
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i'm that president of my school's earth and space club (formerly the astronomy club but we changed it because we wanted to get more involved in environmental projects) and i'm also in the book club and the young democrat's club. i will be joining hosa soon but i have to get into my health classes first.<br />
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my favorite food is sushi and my favorite drink is cream soda. i eat like a horse and never gain weight from it. i can cook and bake basic meals but nothing too extravagant. this is because i'm pretty sure i could burn water if possible.<br />
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well... that's about it. anything else, message me.<3<br />
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- the blue flame
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