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  • Artist Info:
    I'm one of the few guys on gaia or in the real world that doesn't think about 'adult situations' all the time. I love to roleplay, my themes for roleplaying usually involve some romance....I suck at roleplay fights...but if the fight is like a story instead of one on one, then that I can do...<br />
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    Unfortunately I am in a very rocky marriage. I am doing everything I can to get out of my marriage without ruining my career, if you wish to at least be a friend, or maybe possibly more, please know that I won't be trying to get into you ladies pants any time soon, but hopefully soon I can be free of the evil controlling woman that I made the biggest mistake of calling my wife.<br />
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    My biggest pet peeve, is when someone or a group of people don't finish a roleplay that I am in with them. I get so into the roleplay that I am in, I absolutely hate it when the people that are roleplaying just stop posting altogether in the roleplay and just leave the others who want to finish it, hanging. If you start a roleplay, god dammit, finish it. Don't join a roleplay then just stop right in the middle of it. Play it out and finish the dam thing.<br />
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    For my real world job, I am in the army. Not the national guard, not the reserves, but active duty. I enjoy it, just not some of the people.<br />
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    I am currently looking for a gaia family that I can somehow be adopted into as a uncle or a brother somehow.. I used to have one, but all of them left gaia over time. I am hoping that somehow, someway, I will have another gaia family.<br />
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    If you want to get to know me off of Gaia, here are the ways to contact me.<br />
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    Cell Phone: 623-850-2474<br />
    Email: RazielHale@Gmail.com<br />
    Skype: LustfulGreed<br />
    Xbox Live: LustfulGreed<br />
    kik: RazielHale<br />
    Snapchat: RickDick88<br />
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    I usually use my phone, so if you want to get a hold of me off Gaia, there you go.<br />
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    I'm a softie at heart....but no I'm not emo..<br />
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    here are a few pictures of me if anyone would like to see who I am. Yes I am in the military and I work as a mechanic.<br />
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    I have been off of Gaia for about three years, although I have decide to come back better than ever. If you want to get to know me more, just please let me know.<br />
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    User Image<br />
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    Character Profiles<br />
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    Appearance:<br />
    User Image<br />
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    Name: Raziel Hale<br />
    Race: Dark Elf<br />
    Height: 6'0"<br />
    Weight: 210<br />
    Hair color: White<br />
    Eye color: White<br />
    Dominant hand: Left<br />
    Weapons: Sword<br />
    Abilities: Able to control shadows, able to make physical items out of shadows, able to form his body from shadows, able to teleport from one physical area to another through shadows, able to see in the dark, superhuman strength, speed, stamina, senses.<br />
    Personality: Cold, crude, and calculated, although for those who gets close to him, he is abit kinder but less hostile.<br />
    Background: Being the lost brother of the Don Kuro, he hides himself within the shadows when the time of the curse was first wrought upon the Dark elves. When he revealed himself within the time of the first war against the vampire, he kept the secret of being the Don Kuro's youngest brother. As the Don Kuro saw his power and ability to manipulate the shadows, he became his right hand man upon the battlefield, although he would go and stay as he pleased. Traveling to each land as a rogue, he was simply put as a mercenary for hire.<br />
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    Here is for High School Roleplays which I do enjoy doing myself...<br />
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    User Image<br />
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    Name: Raziel Hale<br />
    Race: Human<br />
    Height: 6'0"<br />
    Weight: 210<br />
    Hair color: Black<br />
    Eye color: Blue<br />
    Dominant hand: Left<br />
    Personality: Tends to be a loner, although is also abit of a rebel. He doesn't have many friends so he doesn't trust many people, but get to know him and he will always have your back.<br />
    Background: When he was just a small child, he was taken in by his grandfather after his parents had divorced due to the fact that his father had killed his youngest brother out a fit of drunken rage. As his father sits in prison, and his mother drinks herself to death along with open her legs to any willing man, his grandfather sought to protect him, but the damage was already done. Many people blame his fathers act upon him, which is why he stays away from people. It is not to often he will make a friend. You always seem to see him with a deck of cards upon him, which is another weird thing about him, but yet alot of people know not to play cards with him as he will drain your wallet dry in a heartbeat. He learned how to gamble from his father, and it is the reason why he always has cash on him as well. He doesn't do well in many of his classes, but yet his grandfather continues to beg the school to just let him graduate so that once he finally changes his demeanor, he would be able to easily get a job somewhere.
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