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Oh hey!<br />
It's Dee here, It's been nearly 2 years since I last visited Gaia... so now I'm a little out of what's happened, but I'll try to catch up.<br />
I'm still living in Finland, and now I'm 20 years old, going on 21... That might sound a little old to most of you. sweatdrop <br />
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In my last profile I announced my graduation from a make-up artist school, LOL. Things have changed a lot since that. Mainly, I grew up, from an unsure, unbalanced boy to an independent, self-confident young man. I became interested in sports (others than sports cars, that is) and mainly Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Thus, I found new faith in myself and my abilities to learn, got a couple of new friends along the way, and somehow ended up chasing a life-long dream of becoming a man of law. Now I'm a security guard. You could say I found my calling.<br />
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I still draw and write a lot and I love art. The fact I grew up didn't change the fact I still have a keen eye for beauty (not just the beauty of ladies) and I'm still rather emotional over great movie masterpieces, but hey, that makes me all the nicer.<br />
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My english has gotten way worse, but I'm slowly regaining my vocabulary by watching tv series without subtitles, reading Sherlock Holmes in english, etc. I've always been famous of my terrible memory. It's a miracle I can put together a sentence other than "hello my name is mr.bonehead"...<br />
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But well, interacting in Gaia online should help a little bit, lets at least hope so with our fingers crossed. I guess I'll be seeing you around!<br />
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Oh, 4laugh I always loved that smiley, I just had to use it.<br />
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Catch you later!<br />
Dee<br />
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