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    Ziggy, Ziggy, HAHAH!
    <br />
    <br />
    It's been like seventeen kahjillion years since I've used this account.<br />
    But it's all good.<br />
    There is really no formulation of words that I could put right here to make your comprehend me.<br />
    As a writer, that seems a bit hypocritical, but I make up characters, and there's a huge difference between the dynamics it takes to make up a character and the actual dynamics of a human 's personality, especially someone like me. <br />
    The English language...or any language, or all the megabytes of space on the internet could not contain me.<br />
    Belle Chasse High School can't contain me.<br />
    Whatever label you stick on can't contain me.<br />
    I'm just like WHATEVS, SKEEZAHs.<br />
    So, If you want to get an idea, talk to me.<br />
    Aight, kids?<br />
    =D<br />
    <br />
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