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  • Artist Info: my name is zach im into deathnote and runescape. im a giant Legned of Zelda fan. wat else do you need to know?im shy quirky but fun once you get to know me. i guess you can call it antisocial.., i like to be diffrent folowing sociecty to me is just wrong. who cares wat others think be yourself and express it. <br />
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    I play with photoshop alot..<br />
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    <br />
    Captivating with sadistic intentions to exalt the carrion<br />
    Holding onto faith like it would help me anyway<br />
    Up on my feet. Vehemence takes over as I pave the way to anatomical feasts<br />
    Severing the ties I once endured to understand why it is that I crave the dead<br />
    Going by my knowledge of popular culture<br />
    I find a sense in malpracticing the common ways<br />
    Wallowing in claret. I long for such salvation<br />
    For when I'm through. I shall wear your pride upon my lips<br />
    Songs of the dead will eternally be chanted<br />
    Before sepulture. I must purloin the genitalia.<br />
    I must find pleasure when you're gone<br />
    An injection of sodium thiopental applied.<br />
    Your eyes are getting heavy now. I smell your fear<br />
    Delusions and paranoia are setting in<br />
    Control in my hands. I now shall purge.<br />
    With the saw I maim. By the saw I live<br />
    Inhaling fumes of the putrid festered funk<br />
    As I drain the throbbing cysts from the gangrenous vagina<br />
    The mordant reek is overtaking every inhalation<br />
    The nausea is overwhelming. I stop to heave<br />
    Brought forth are my confessions to the dead<br />
    As the lies coincide with vitriolic clues<br />
    We all will spread disease<br />
    We're all deceased<br />
    Carved in your face. The sacrilegious rites<br />
    These words bring truth to what was foretold<br />
    Corpses and bile will reconcile<br />
    The rumors of this forensic plague<br />
    By these words I am one with the dead<br />
    And with this I've claimed the one which I'm wed<br />
    Until death do us part. We'll rot hand in hand.
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