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  • Artist Info: RaNDoM iNteReStS<br />
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    Syringes . Role Play . Making Websites . Anything Fluffy . Bunnies . Anime . Vampires . Writing books and Stories . Shiney Things . Sweets! . Drawing . Bioshock . Funny words . A Chance to Make a Wish . Snakes . Pink . Black . Goth . Scalpels . Razors . Skelanimals . Chao . Yaoi . Pon . Big Socks . Manga . Rainy Days . Full Moon . Clouds . Scissors . Babies . Chibis . Big Daddy Bouncers . Tattoos . Japanese . More Bunnies . Dares . Chocolate . Black & White . Kuromi . Potatos . Gir . Degrassi . Sweeny Todd . Rock and Metal Music . True Blood . Regular Blood = Me<br />
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    A rather odd splash of interests, but that's me in a nutshell ;P a really messy, unkept nutshell. Im brand new here so theres a lot i still dont know x.x <br />
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    Btw my name is Hammie, I'm 15, and im a girlie. Thats about all you need to know ;D after all it is still my first day~
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