• lipz of an angel16's Gallery
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    " His dying breathe. Brought me life."<br />
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    I am 100% Christian. I love Jesus Christ he is my lord and Savior. Without him i wouldnt be who i am today. without him i wouldnt even be here today. He has changed my life so much since i have accepted him into my heart. As i get older i realize just how real he is and how much he has changed me. He even brought me a new hope. A love. One that i know will never stray away from me. both physically and mentally, both on earth and in spirit.<br />
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    He is comming back for us one day. Will you be ready? There are alot of people who dont believe, but open your eyes, and look around you. if you really think deep. you'll come to understand. If you have questions about it? talk to me. id be happy to help.<br />
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    So? Whataya you say? will you devote yourself today? i already did smile <br />
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
    2nd thing to know about me is im ALWAYS singing, its my dream to be a singer ever since i was little so thats what im working on smile <br />
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    "I don't know where i'm going, or how i'm going to get there... but u can be assured that when i do, the whole world is gonna know"<br />
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    Why hello there :3 Kira here if you were wondering, im a very loving and caring girl im told, im told im beautiful pretty and a lot of other things like that. I have a great personality. I am hands down 100% the most Epic random person you will ever meet, yes i do have ADHD :3 I love to hang with friends, draw, write poetry, sing, play music, make my own music, meet new people, try new things, go on roller coaster, spend time with friends. things like that smile <br />
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    IMPORTANT - the most important thing to know about me is, if you have a problem with anything i can help you. I have been to hell and back numerous times, you name anything and Ive been there. I am known to give great advice and make people feel better, and give them a lead on how to solve there problems.<br />
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    If you have any other questions, at all please, don't hesitate to ask i would be happy to help. =)<br />
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    -----------------------------------AlL GIrLs---------------------------------<br />
    -------------------------------ArE lIkE aPpLeS----------------------------<br />
    --------------------------oN tReEs. ThE bEsT oNeS-----------------------<br />
    ------------------------aRe At ThE tOp Of ThE tReE---------------------<br />
    ----------------------tHe BoYs DoN't WaNt To ReAcH------------------<br />
    ---------------------fOr ThE gOoD oNeS bEcAuSe ThEy---------------<br />
    -----------------ArE aFrAiD oF fAlLiNg AnD gEtTiNg HuRt.-------------<br />
    ---------------InStEaD, tHeY jUsT gEt ThE rOtTeN aPpLeS-----------<br />
    ------------------fRoM tHe GrOuNd ThAt ArEn'T aS gOoD,-------------<br />
    ---------------bUt EaSy. So ThE aPpLeS aT tHe ToP tHiNk-----------<br />
    ---------------SoMeThInG iS wRoNg WiTh TheM, wHeN iN------------<br />
    -------------------rEaLiTy, ThEy'Re AmAzInG. tHeY jUsT---------------<br />
    --------------------hAvE tO wAiT fOr ThE rIgHt BoY tO----------------<br />
    ----------------------- cOmE aLoNg, ThE oNe WhO's-------------------<br />
    ------------------------------BrAvE eNoUgH tO--------------------------<br />
    -----------------------------------cLiMb AlL--------------------------------<br />
    -----------------------------------tHe WaY-------------------------------<br />
    ----------------------------------tO tHe ToP------------------------------<br />
    -------------------------------- oF tHe TreEe------------------------------ <br />
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    LoV3 iZ LiK3 M@giC.... BuT MoSt oF D@ TiM3 m@gIC is just an iLLuSIOn <br />
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    95% of all teen girls would go into a panic if Edward Cullen was on a 247 foot building about to jump to kill himself. Copy and paste this if you are one of the 5% who brought popcorn, a chair, and shouted "DO A FLIP!<br />
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    92% of the teen population would be dead if abercrombie and fitch decided that breathing wasnt cool. Put this on your profile/channel if you are part of the 8% who would be laughing hysterically in the background.<br />
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    P.S: 95% of teenagers would cry if they saw Miley Cyrus at the top of a skyscraper about to jump. Copy and paste this if your one of the 5% that would scream "JUMP b***h JUMP!!!<br />
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    92% of teens believe that the world will end on Dec. 21st, 2012. Put this in your signature if your the 8% that'll be laughing on Dec. 22nd, 2012 <br />
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    Emo doesn't mean u cut. Emo doesn't mean ur gay. Emo doesn't mean ur suicidal. Emo is real. Emo is people. Emo is everything. Emo is a label. Emo is being free. Free to be you. Free to express. Free to tell everyone to f*** off!! Emo is just a word .-EMOS- *Are not cry babies *Do not always wear black *Can be very nice people *Don't always cut themselves *Are not always depressed *Can be happy too *Are normal people just like you (Put this on your profile if you agree with this.) PUT THIS ON UR PAGE IF YOU ARE OR SUPORT EMOS!!!!♥♥♥♥♥
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