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  • Artist Info: I'm Quinn Irish, born on the wonderful day of May 23, 1997. So, yeah, I'm 15. rofl <br />
    My mom's a Filipina, and my dad's Irish-American. And I'm rocking it. cool <br />
    I have curly hair colored black, brown, and believe it or not...bronze. It SERIOUSLY shines in the sunlight. neutral <br />
    You can say I'm a bit childish. You'd be surprised how far my optimism can get. I guess I'm always the last one smiling. biggrin <br />
    I play the piano.<br />
    I'm a model of James O'Briant models & talents<br />
    I can be pretty girly, proof that I'm a girl ninja <br />
    I have one big bro...that's pretty much crazier than me.<br />
    ONE loving and sweet bf 4laugh heart <br />
    One lazy beagle(it's a dog)<br />
    And one heck of an appetite. xd <br />
    I'm currently a senior highschool student under the special science curriculum(too much info?)<br />
    I love to laugh and hang out...watching stupid movies.<br />
    My favorite movies so far: The Selling of Scary Manor, Crazies, Zombieland, Hunger Games<br />
    I LOVE music. I listen to it all day long.<br />
    I like texting...and facebooking...and blogging...and tweeting...mostly anything. biggrin <br />
    As far as I can think of, that's pretty much me. A normal teenager who stays up until morning, regrets it later on, and does it all over again. pirate <br />
    I love answering questions, so just ask. Feel free to keep in touch. smile <br />
    My Pages:
    <br />
    Your Wish On A Star<br />
    Twitter<br />
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