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    Salutations.<br />
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    It seems you have found my profile, good job.<br />
    Well, since you are here, I might as well tell you a little about myself. That is, if you want to hear it.<br />
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    My name is actually Koji, like my username. My last name is Not Demi, it is a title for a Role-play. <br />
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    I am planning to settle down and marry the girl of my dreams. However she has prior obligations and is not able to accept my proposal at this time. She is also on gaia and is a wonderful person and artist. Her name is "Arkelle" on gaia. I hope to someday return all the kindness she has shown me over the years. Thanks to her, I have been able to live life stronger than ever. If you are reading this Ark, The I just want you to know I'll keep on waiting as long as I have to for your hand. (Arkelle also was kind enough to make my profile layout)<br />
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    My ethnicity is mainly Japanese/Dutch. Yes I am a eurasian. Yes I am a "mutt". My father was mainly Dutch, with a little Italian. My mother was-as far as I know- a full Japanese. So I am technically a first generation mix.<br />
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    My age is not important knowledge for you to know, At least not in my unique culture. I do not formally celebrate birthdays. Instead, I celebrate another day called the "Day of awakening" (Doa day). In my culture this day marks when you are able to live for yourself, and when you feel you have truly started to live. <br />
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    I am planning to get a degree in Psychology as soon as possible. I am going to study the effects of Reverse Psychology and also the workings of the human mind. I want to better understand the actions of people and what possesses them to make those choices. I will also take classes specifically for deception training. <br />
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    I live in southern California, though I despise the weather. I also have a small get-away house in Washington. It is nothing special, though I am very fond of it. In California,I live in my lavish inherited house with not a single person to keep me company. I live alone you see. I stay in this empty house in California because it was my parents, and because here I am closer to the few people whom I care for.<br />
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    My hair is black. My eyes are gray, and suprisingly not very almond shaped. Though I have people tell me my eyes are a slightly blue-ish color. I don't know why my genetic code was made this way. Technically I should have almond eyes, black hair, and black eyes- but I only have one out of those three. Well at least I am not a blonde like my father.<br />
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    My parents are gone from the world of the living. Though this is a story I would rather not tell. Though my time with them was cut very short, I own everything I am now to them. <br />
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    Well that is the main story. All the side stories I will do my best to explain below.<br />
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    Type of personality: To be completely honest, I am a very anti-social person. I do not waste my time conversing with people who carry themselves as idiots. I also do not see the need to talk endlessly to people who cannot comprehend proper English. I despise Text talk and such. I like to have long intellectual conversations with open minded and intelligent people. This meaning people who are not "wishy-washy" in their ideals. I respect people who uphold their opinions no matter what anyone else has to say about them. <br />
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    Though I am usually quiet among first impression, I actually am quite the talker. I also use allot of direct sarcasm intentionally. Some people have told me I have a "superiority" complex. This may be slightly true. But I was raised by very wealthy people who taught me to never bow before anyone. I don't mean to be intentionally rude. I'll admit my deadly sin is Pride. <br />
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    I am also a Sophisticate. Meaning I was taught to hold the door open for women, to chew with my mouth closed, speak when spoken to, and to never raise your voice indoors. Among many other things. Chivalry is a key part of my personality. I believe many people lack common courtesy these days. I find many of todays young men and women to be very tasteless. Which I will explain in another paragraph.<br />
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    I like the simple things in life. Which you might have noticed by my simple avatar. It is better to have nothing and be happy rather then having everything and being unhappy. Though I have been given many material luxuries in my life, I realize now that they are really worth nothing if you have no one to share them with. <br />
    Im a stargazer. I like to stare off into nothingness and think about my life. I look at the stars and clouds and I know that I am alive for a reason. <br />
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    Im a deep person if you hadn't noticed. I allways talk on a serious emotional level. Why? Because everyone should. If everyone was aware of the power their own emotions, then there would be less strife in the world. I may talk in poetry from time to time, but again, its just how I am. Deep.<br />
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    DO NOT make me angry. You will suffer harsh verbal assult, I assure you. Though I prefer to avoid any form of conflict, if you tick me off- I will not hold back. I do not fight physically. Call me a pansy, I don't care. Violence breeds more violence. The only time I will raise my hand is if you physically hurt someone I care about. Or if a man is physically hurting a woman, that is unacceptable.<br />
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    If I like you, then I will most likely tell you straight. I am not one to hide those kinds of things. If I think you are worthy of friendship I will be a loyal friend in return. I also follow the rule of "Do unto others what they do unto you". So if you are nice- I am nice. If you are an idiot- I will treat you like one. Plain and simple.<br />
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    Favorite color: Blue. It is very calm and peaceful. Blue- to me- represents the wonders of our world. It can be as deep and endless as the ocean, or as soft and captivating as the sky.<br />
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    Least Favorite Color: Brown. For many reasons..... and not just the one you may be thinking of.<br />
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    I will be adding more ramblings shortly. Patience is a virtue as they say.
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