• cryo_esterfur's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: I'm Ester, i really don't do nothing much on my gaia, i do summit my art on here for anyone to see. i love all kinds of art in general and is learning more everyday new styles and new expressions te see. i'm a huge tard about science, art, furries, anime, cryo, wicca, animal remains or anything that is me. i don't have much to say but only to give my sites, so you can see anything new i give. see you around space cowboy! ~<3 <br />
    <br />
    where I rome:<br />
    http://thatsillyester.tumblr.com/<br />
    http://www.furaffinity.net/user/cyoesterfur/<br />
    http://cryoesterfur.sheezyart.com/<br />
    http://cryoesterfur.livejournal.com/<br />
    http://www.humblevoice.com/--CuRsEd_HeArT--<br />
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