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- Artist Info: Hi! I'm Emily and I'm 13. I love soccer, and I play the flute. I like to sing, write, and be awesome. My best friends are THE best friends. Just in general. Music is my entire life, and I'm not just saying that. It's almost the only thing that calms me down when I'm mad, and it's hard for me to fall asleep unless I"m listening to it. I like a lot of different kinds of music, though it may not seem like I do. I do really well in school, and people usually think I'm funny...unless I'm funny at their expense. I love drama...as long as it's not my own(usually). I hate it when people break up with each other by texting(so rude and it happened to my sister so I'm kinda twitchy about it) and when people break up with each other at dances (dances are supposed to be fun- don't ruin that for somebody!). I'm kinda dramatic and I'm good at argueing(spelling?) myself out of things. I've only ever spilled a secret once, when I was really little. So ya that's my basic, boring life! Oh and like my bbfl delia, i go by live, laugh, love-with one addition: SING!
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