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    <br />
    before i get wall of shamed i would like to say that this layout's coding is done by Broken Illusens =]]<br />
    <br />
    and for the NPCs I DID NOT HACK OR SCAM!! i just transferred most items from my old account!!! i bought the items with well EARNED gold that i WON fromt the GDR thingy lol =]]<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    -i am not a newbie or a noob.<br />
    i just made another account.<br />
    -people are too fast at judging others nowadays<br />
    -i am a 13 yr old 7th grader.<br />
    &&no i didn't fail a grade.<br />
    my birthday is at the end of december; that's why.<br />
    -i like to get things like comments; mail; &&gold/money<br />
    well.. who doesn't?<br />
    -i also like to make tons of friends =]]<br />
    -i have a lot of hates for no reason.<br />
    &&some may sound all the same to you.<br />
    -i hate it when people use 1's && 0's to replace letters.<br />
    -i usually hate it when people put me down.<br />
    but i like to tell people off when they do that. x3<br />
    that's the only good side of that one.<br />
    -anyways... i hate it when people think im not filipino<br />
    just because i can't speak Tagalog.<br />
    -i hate it when people think my drawings suck ass.<br />
    &&i'm sure you all do to x]<br />
    -i hate it when people think they're all that because<br />
    1. they are the oldest<br />
    2. they THINK they are the smartest<br />
    3. they are the richest<br />
    4. they THINK they are the prettiest<br />
    5. they are white [[not to be racist]]<br />
    6. they THINK they are the coolest<br />
    7. they THINK they are the funniest<br />
    8. ETC.<br />
    -i hate people that ALWAYS have to be the goody-good.<br />
    -i hate it when people say things that have already been said like so:<br />
    1. "you shouldn't steal work and take credit without permission"<br />
    2. "i made history!"<br />
    3. "you noob."<br />
    4. "stop copying me!"<br />
    5. "yeeeah."<br />
    6. etc....<br />
    -i also hate when people think something will sound <br />
    funnier when they say it.<br />
    -or when someone says a joke [and its funny] then someone<br />
    else says the same one and it sounds stupid:<br />
    1. 1st person says "ok ok it's not that funny. <br />
    (someone replies: yes it is)<br />
    1st person again says.. "oh ok." then people laugh.<br />
    2nd person says "ok ok it's not that funny."<br />
    then nobody replies or laughs.<br />
    ok something like that o.o haha<br />
    -i hate it when people put down my friends<br />
    -i hate it when i kno somebody famous then other people don't<br />
    believe me.<br />
    -i hate it when somebody [like a family member] won't stop<br />
    naggin me to eat or something<br />
    -i hate it when people think i'm emo because i hate a lot of things<br />
    <br />
    but i'm a very happy person<br />
    <br />
    now back to basics:<br />
    -i am filipino<br />
    -i am 5 ft<br />
    -i am a GIRL<br />
    -i have a male avatar because i can<br />
    -i am not a gay/lesbian<br />
    -i am not a tranz<br />
    -this avatar/character is going to be my gaia oc version of<br />
    Night Gabi<br />
    i'm making a amateur manga just for the hell of it =]]<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    okay... well remember to speak english when you comment me<br />
    or message me!<br />
    i will only accept friend requests as long as i kno you good:<br />
    1. i have talked with you a lot by pms or comments<br />
    2. i have talked with you in a forum<br />
    3. i kno you in real life<br />
    4. i have emailed you for some reason before<br />
    <br />
    aight! talk to me =]
    <br />
    <br />
    Night's Battle Dream Avi!<br />
    User Imagetotal cost: 267,993g AND 2,500 tickets!<br />
    Night's Casual Dream Avi!<br />
    User Image total cost is:: 111,072,230 Gold<br />
    PLEASE DONATE!! (TT-TT)<br />
    <br />
    Donators:<br />
    AzN JeccerS<br />
    <br />
    Thank you!
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