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Artist Info:
Hi,<br />
I'm a 53 yr old bisexual married man in England with kids and stepkids ranging from 13 to 27.<br />
I'm very happily married, and I don't consider myself a weirdo or pervert, but must admit that finding I'm old enough to be most people on heres grandad was a bit of a shock.<br />
I love chatting to people, and like to think I'm a sympathetic ear, but if you're in the wrong I'll tell you.<br />
I work in a train company, pretty boring most of the time, but it has its moments.<br />
Hope to make some friends on here, and in the meantime can someone tell me how to put furniture in my house because I've been stood up since I joined, and I'm knackered...lol<br />
Love and laughter,<br />
Ian. - Avg. rating:
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