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  • Artist Info: Heya...this is Pikachu here...uhhh..welll...there isn't much to say if you know me. Well for one, I'm a female. I live in ___. If you know me you should know the answer to that. I want to live in Japan, I'm learning Japanese...so I can talk and so that I don't have to eat raw fish everyday XD, that was a joke...no offense Asians. I personally love drawing. My favorite food is most likely ribs..I'm a like a half/half girl...I'm a tomboy and girly at times. So don't think it like the wrong way when I said half/half. DX..I'm not half boy!! Uhh...I'm straight...and I have a temper a really bad one...so if you piss me off, you better be ready..my best friends on here, are really close to me in real life, so no offense best friends on here, I still Love You XD. Uhhh....my best friends usernames are Pikachucutie152 and Hinagu_Hoshino, and one of my close friend on here is Stella...uhh...I just put Stella because her username is hard to remember XD. I'm a family girl...I love my family, and well I had a twin sister on here, she ditched me and now I dislike her! So I'm looking for family members on here XD. I love roleplaying, so if you have an idea hit me up on it, I'll really love it. UHH, I'm literate but not literate person...personally I like being kinda literate, but it takes a lot of me and my favorite song right now is Dancing In The Velvet Moon by Nana Mizuki..I LOVE HER! Also I'm a friend fighter, mess with me friends, I'll kill you XD, I'm not kidding. Also...I love Random PMS and free drawings of me XD. Like on my siggy right now one person made it for me because she likes my username XD I love her XD. So if you got any questions for me PM or Comment biggrin
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