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25 Things about me (+1): ((first posted on deviant art))<br /><br />
<br />
1. My room is small and comfortable<br />
2. I don't know what kind of weather I prefer (As long as I'm not sweating bullets and sneezing snot)<br />
3. Windy days sound nice (You can give up worrying about hair then)<br />
5. Short hair means frizzy hair (short hair means uncontrollable hair to me)<br />
6. Out of habit, I might judge on appearance (i know that opinions on others change)<br />
7. Mistakes mean attention (I make as little and small ones as possible)<br />
8. Someday, I'll own a library (with books not kindles, ebooks, etc)<br />
9. Flying would be a dream come true (True freedom, peace, and quietness)<br />
10. Mind reading would make my life easier (You wouldn't worry about what others think of you)<br />
11. Running like the wind would make mile runs a cinch (I struggle physically)<br />
12. Maybe I like mysteries (Too much elicits fear)<br />
13. A good laugh is stress relieving (sad songs makes you sadder, stressful situations makes you more stressful)<br />
14. Doing what I want will always come second (first, is what i Have to do)<br />
15. Is helping out just to be nice, pity? (i hate pity)<br />
16. I can be hypocritical and oxymoronic (referring mainly to number 15)<br />
17. The world is optimistic (I'm naive)<br />
18. It'd be easier if everything went my way (I don't say what I might want to)<br />
19. the filter between what I think and say is eminently thick (my mind thinks too much)<br />
20. Food is a life source (as long as there's food for me, I'm happy)<br />
21. Independence is a good thing (it's what i do best and worst at)<br />
22. All my friends are my best friend <br />
23. Do a cool--and maybe shy guy and shy girl match? (there's this guy...)<br />
24. Smile when you're hurt, insulted, happy, looking in a mirror, etc. (I might not know when to smile and not)<br />
25. Laughter is contagious (I laugh when everyone else does, when everyone don't, when I'm not supposed to, even when i don't get it)<br />
26. Who doesn't like a girl who smiles and laughs with everyone (people will notice me, yet not)<br />
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