- Kara Vangeline's Gallery
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Artist Info:
Bonjour ma petite little pals! Okay, about me...well, life hasn't been the grandest...but it's still livable. I really enjoy anime, because it reminds me that there is just a little happiness I can squeeze from the wonderful fictitious world of...well, fantasy...<br />
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I really like to draw, and have drawn a few pics of...Well, anything that pops into my brilliant brain! (what brain you ask??? I have one!!!) I am also a talented writer and photographer, though right now I do mostly fanfictions, which will be put in my journal so if you want to read them, feel free to take a peek! (Advise and critique is greatly needed...also editing...)<br />
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So, sadly...I have no boyfriend and am one of those loners that is a helpless romantic...poo on the rest of the world, I blame them for making relationships sound great when in reality they can never truly happen (Though, I think online dating is good, because you have to get to know the person before you actually see what they look like. I think that is what makes lots of online relationships work out!) Basically my life has had its up's and down's, and now my dog is going balisticimus (?) because my Vati (i.e. dad) has pranced in the door...home from work...okay, I suppose you should know that I can be vair vair obsessive and LOUD about things! *blushes and covers mouth.* Lalalalalala...OH! I am working on making my own manga, and have had the characters developed for years, but now comes the hard part...drawing it all. (Oooh, I also graduated from High School this year! Hurrah!)<br />
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Okay then...seems like I gotta go! (I have nothing else to write...)<br />
I am away laughing on a fast camel, ready to do the inferno disco with my hilarious (?) friend Dave The Laugh (DTL)--who is wearing furry knick-knacks-- and blowing the cosmic horn of...green M&M's! (O.o...inside joke for those of you who get it...)<br />
Ciao! <br />
=^.^= Kittie!<br />
P.S I love you 'Not Another Barbeque Sauced Banana!' fans and I just positively luuuuuurrve the Ace Gang! Especially Radio Jas! (and her cuckoo spit addiction) Hurrah! *Breaks out in the Inferno Disco wearing Hamburger-a-go-go land horns and furry knick-knacks.*<br />
P.S.S Don't EVER put too much glue on your boy-entrancers (fake eyelashes) ladies, because you might get your eyelids stuck together, and that is NOT fun when you really have to pee and are stuck in a congo line before your bestie's come to your aid while you are glowing like a red-herring...yeah...<br />
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P.S.S. I am eighteen, and looking for someone my age or older. (Preferably older...I like older guys...) I wan't to have a relationship, a genuine one!<br />
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<img src="http://www.semeuke.com/images/ilp.gif" border=0><br />
<p><b>You are an Innocent Uke!</b><br><br />
Cute and sweet, and most gentle of all uke, whips and chains are not for you - you just want someone to love you. You are often spotted in candy shops wearing furry kitty ears, where you are sure to be noticed by the Romantic Seme, whose protective instincts will kick in and will only want to take you home and love and protect you. And you, of course, will be more than happy to spend the rest of your life baking cookies for your seme. <p><br />
<b>Most compatible with:</b> Romantic Seme<br><br />
<b>Least compatible with:</b> Sadistic Seme, Don't Fuck With Me Seme<p><br />
What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at <a href="http://www.semeuke.com" target=_blank>SemeUke.com</a>, or find merchandise <a href="http://www.gesshoku.org" target=_blank>here</a>.<br />
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This is how I hope to look like by the end of the year 2009! Donations are vair, vair helpful!<br /><br />
Total Value: 832,244 Gold, 6,000 Tickets<br />
[Item Information]<br />
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Item List:<br />
Pora Ice (on my head) 4th gen.<br />
Whip of Ice<br />
Lovely Genie Teal Belly Gem<br />
Let it Snow<br />
Let it Snow<br />
Dark Slate Gunner Coat<br />
Egyptian Gold Armlet<br />
Chain Wallet<br />
Card Shark Bands<br />
Blue Cat Collar<br />
Black Leather Belt<br />
Black Gloves<br />
Beat Slim Orchid Shoes<br />
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans<br />
White Ruffled Top<br />
<br />
I will probably never own this...but I can hope...<br /><br />
Total Value: 1,769,113 Gold<br />
[Item Information]<br />
<br />
Item List:<br />
Nartian Rock 3rd Gen.<br />
Gimpi 6th gen.<br />
Dark Elf's Staff<br />
Reve Rouille 6th Gen.<br />
White Neko Cosplay<br />
Fallen Wish 4th Gen.<br />
SDPlus #69 Formurla Doll<br />
Elemental Wings<br />
Dark Halo<br />
Fremere's Guard 5th Gen.<br />
Yemaya's Pearl 6th Gen.<br />
Black Fur-Trimmed Bra<br />
Soft Black Underwear<br />
Alruna's Rose 4th Gen<br />
<br />
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I sort of look like this in real life. This is as close as I could get. I hope you like! I might plan on looking like it one day...<br /><br />
Total Value: 322,835 Gold<br />
[Item Information]<br />
<br />
Item List:<br />
Light Grey And Grey Reversible Bracelets<br />
Light Violet Scarf<br />
Black Paintbrush<br />
Beat Slim Black Shoes<br />
Brownie Basic Shirt<br />
Biancamella<br />
GO Phones<br />
Ume Blossom Hairpin<br />
White Spider Choker<br />
Kottan Bell 3rd Gen<br />
Sexy Present (Valentines Day 2k9)<br />
<br /><br />
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Alphonse says:Thankyou so much for coming! i'm sad to see you leave...bye! *Waaaah!*<br /><br />
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