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  • Artist Info: Name: DL<br />
    Location: USA<br />
    Interests: Various fandoms(please don't ask me to list them all it would go on forever). I'm particularly fond of horror(creepypastas, horror manga/anime, scary stories, supernatural thing, stories about the occult- you name it!). Action and fantasy are really big favorites, too!<br />
    Novel-wise I lean more towards fantasy and a very generous helping of Stephen king. If you've read either the Dragonlance Chronicles or at least the first six of the Forgotten Realms, please tell me because I love them and I love you for reading them.<br />
    Hobbies: I do partake in drawing and some writing, but I'm no master of either unfortunately. Video games are also something I donate a lot of time into, as well as role playing(here on gaia in barton town mostly).<br />
    <br />
    Quick Video Game List:<br />
    L4D2, CoD, Dishonored, Dragon Age(both origins and II), Skyrim, Oblivion, Diablo 3, League of Legends(Support Main), Harvest Moon, HomeFront and Pokemon.
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