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Artist Info:
So, you want to know about me? Ok. <br />
Name is James, I'm single, and I like the band Eyes Set To Kill.<br />
I play Pokemon Black, but not really competitively.<br />
Tell me a good joke and chances are I'll laugh.<br />
I prefer dark colored clothes, and would keep my hair long if I could.<br />
And for some reason people like to view me as emo. Go figure. <br />
<br />
A few random factoids-mah-jiggys: Sept 4 is the day I was hatched. So give me stuff then, I enjoy stuff.<br />
One day I shall rule the world with a froggy fist, so don't get too used to being land-based.<br />
I'll add more when I think about it. Or not. Maybe. - Avg. rating:
- 1 Fans
- star kitten
- Comics
- 7 recent comments
- l lol
- Comics
- 9 recent comments
all credit goes
to me best
friend mary - My Doll
- Non Fiction
- 2 recent comments
I made this up
as I wrote, so
tell me what
you think so I
can see if I
can be that
type of
writer... - The Melody, C...
- Non Fiction
- 3 recent comments
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