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  • Arenas
  • Shikyru the mixed breed
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Shikyru the mixed breed
  • Artist: lizard196
  • Description: Shikyru is half demon half angel. Her mom was killed for being a treturous demon and her father was killed for being an angel who mated with a demon. Before her mother was killed she gave three year old Shikyru to a human family that she had always trusted in her 300 hundred years of living. They taught Shikyru everything they knew about fighting once she become the age of 5 at her command to learn. She's now out for the blood of the angels and demons that killed her parents.
  • Date: 07/12/2009
  • Tags: mixed breed demon hunter dark
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Comments (6 Comments)
  • Kilaedo - 07/14/2009
  • Is the wind halo the only angelic thing about her? you should have made the heartbreaker white
  • Agent of Void - 07/13/2009
  • A back item would make this great. The shoes aren't a bad choice, but there are better options. All together, It's pretty good! The description sounds like the introduction of a character into a RP. Good job. 4/5
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